List of some important
Contemporary Documents

Cardinal Pietro Corsini,  De electione Urbani VII (sic!) antipapae anno 1378  (ms. Vat. Lat. 8497) [Vincenzo Forcella, Catalogo dei manoscritti relativi alla storia di Roma I (Roma 1879), p. 218, no. 643]

Lucas d' Achery, OSB, Cong. S. Mauri, Veterum aliquot scriptorum, qui in Galliae bibliothecis, maxime Benedictinorum latuerant, spicilegium  Tomus Sextus (Parisiis: apud Carolum Savreux, 1664): 

Cesar du Boulay [Bulaeus], Historia Universitatis Parisiensis Tomus quartus (Parisiis: apud Franciscum Noel 1665):

Stephanus Baluzius [Étienne Baluze], Vitae Paparum Avinionensium Volume 1 (Paris: apud Franciscum Muguet 1693):

Stephanus Baluzius [Étienne Baluze], Vitae Paparum Avinionensium Volume 2 (Paris: apud Franciscum Muguet 1693):

Thomas Rymer, Foedera, Conventiones, Literae et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Angliae et alios quosvis... Tomus VII (Londini: A. & J. Churchill, 1709).

Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum Tomus II (Lutetiae Parisiorum 1717),

Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durandus, Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum historicorum , dogmaticorum, moralium, amplissima collectio Tomus VII (Parisiis: apud Montalant 1733),

Ludovicus Antonius Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores Tomus Tertius (Milan 1723),

Raynaldi: Caesaris S. R. E. Cardinalis Baronii, Od. Raynaldi et Jac. Laderchii Annales Ecclesiastici   Tomus septimus (Lucca: Typis Leonardi Venturini 1752) [Baronius-Raynaldi]:

Johannes Dominicus Mansi (editor), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio editio novissima Tomus XXIV (Venetiis: apud Antonium Zatta 1780)

Edmundus de Dynter, Chronica nobilissimorum ducum Lotharingiae et Brabantiae ac Regum Francorum , Liber Sextus,   in : P. F. X. de Ram (editor), Chronique des ducs de Brabant par Edmond de Dynter Tome III (Bruxelles 1857), pp. 90-104.

Chronica Monasterii Sancti Albani. Thomae Walsingham, quondam monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglicana (H. T. Riley, editor) Volume I (London 1863), 368-369; 380-387, 391:

Gobelinus: Cosmidromius Gobelini Person   ed. Max Jansen (Munster i. W.: Aschendorff 1900), Aetas VI, Cap. 74-75. (pp. 76-83).

Luigi Fumi (Editor), Codice diplomatico della Città di Orvieto (Firenze 1884) [Documenti di storia italiana, Tomo VIII]:

Louis Gayet, Le grand schisme d'Occident Les Origines volume 1 (Paris-Florence-Berlin 1889) [the "Pièces justificatives" is separately paginated]:

  1. Fifteen depositions taken secretly at Rome by the Ambassadors of the King of Castile (pp. 1-38) [Vatican Archives, Armorial LIV, Volume 14]:
  1. Statement of Giovanni Chambaruti, OFM, Bishop of Castro [Eubel I, 174] (pp. 1-8)
  2. Nardus, an apothecary, one of the Bandarenses (pp. 9-12).
  3. Petrus Bulchius, priest of S. Bartolomeo de Insula (pp. 13-14).
  4. Joannes de Paparonibus, Canon of St. Peter's (pp. 14-15).
  5. Joannes Volcardi, magister capellae of Urban VI (pp. 16-18).
  6. [illegible] (pp. 18-20).
  7. [a Roman citizen] (pp. 20-22).
  8. Francesco de la Fora, Doctor of Medicine and Roman citizen (pp. 22-23).
  9. Jacobus, camerarius of the Cardinal 'Sancti Petri", Francesco Tebaldeschi (pp. 24-28).
  10. [unnamed] (pp. 28-29).
  11. Baliherus de Argentina, a German, scriptor in the office of the Penitentiary under Urban VI (pp. 30-31).
  12. Buchius Petri Jacobi, one of the four comestabularii assigned by the Roman People for the security of the Cardinals (pp 31-34).
  13. Friar Henricus of Buda, of the Order of Hermits, one of the Penitertiarii of Pope Urban VI (pp. 34-35).
  14. Dominus Joannes (pp. 35-37).
  15. Fredus de Cavali, ostiarius of the pope (pp. 37-38).
  1. Depositions of persons who were in Rome during the Novendiales, and were present in the Apostolic Palace during the Conclave:
  1. Guilielmus de la Voult, Bishop of Marseille [Eubel I, 330], subsequently Bishop of Valence-Die {appointed by Urban VI, and then by Clement VII on June 1, 1379: Eubel I, 513], one of the custodians of the Conclave (pp. 39-44).
  2. The Bishop of Todi, Stephanus Pelosii de Urbe [Eubel I, 502]; made a Cardinal by Urban VI in 1384 [Eubel I, 25] (pp. 44-64).
  3. Tommaso de Ammanatis, Bishop-elect of Nimociensis (Limasol in Cyprus) at the time of the Conclave [Eubel I, 367], later Archbishop of Naples; made a Cardinal by Clement VII in 1384 [Eubel I, 28] (pp. 64-92).
  4. Bartolomeo de Zabriciis de Bononia, Bishop of Recanati and Macerata (died 1382) [Eubel I, 410]. given in March, 1379. (pp. 92-118)
  5. Nicolas Eymeric, Inquisitor of Aragon (pp. 118-134). [This is the best of all of the depositions in terms of critical precision and historical perspective]
  1. Report of the Investigation made in Rome by Rodrigo Bernardi on the mandate of the King of Castile concerning the Schism (pp. 135-148).

  2. Letter written at Rome on April 11, 1378, three days after the Conclave, to Petrus Rubeus, Precentor of the Church of Elne in France, of the Curia in Avignon (pp. 148-151).

  3. Deposition of Cardinal Pierre de Cros, OSB, Archbishop of Arles, "Arelatensis" (May, 1380). At the time of the Conclave, he was not a Cardinal, but only Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church (S.R.E. Camerarius). He was created a Cardinal by Clement VII of the Avignon Obedience, in 1384 [Eubel I, 27, 103] (pp. 151-155).

  4. Letter to King Juan of Castile, from the Captain of the Castel St. Angelo, Petrus Rostaing (pp. 155-161) [incomplete].

  5. Depositions of Pierre Gaudelin, of Embrun, Castellan of the Castel St. Angelo (pp. 161-193).

Louis Gayet, Le grand schisme d'Occident Les Origines volume 2 (Paris-Florence-Berlin 1889) [the "Pièces justificatives" is separately paginated]:

  1. 'Casus' of three Italian Cardinals, Pietro Corsini, Simon de Borsano, and Giacomo Orsini (July 1378). The document was submitted to four other Cardinals, who subscribed to its contents on November 17, 1380 at Nice (Anglicus Grimoard, Pierre de Sortenac, Pierre Flandrin, Guillaume Noellet). The document was handed to the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon in 1386 (pp. 1-21)
  2. An addition to the above document, by the Cardinal of Florence, Pietro Corsini (pp. 22-26).
  3. 'Casus' written by Joannes de Lignano, Doctor utriusque iuris, with remarks inserted by Cardinal Pedro de Luna (pp. 26-40).
  4. Statement ('Casus') of the Abbot of 'Sistre' (Cistriensis, Sassoferrato) [Perfetto Malatesta] in the presence of the King of Aragon and his council, with remarks inserted by Cardinal Pedro de Luna. (pp. 40-56).
  5. Responses of the Cardinal of Florence (Pietro Corsini) to the questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 57-68).
  6. Responses of Cardinal Aigrefeuille to the questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon, August 27, 1386 (pp. 68-76)
  7. Responses of Cardinal Vivariensis, Petrus Bishop of Sabina (Pierre de Sortenac) to twenty-one questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon, (pp. 76-82).
  8. Responses of Cardinal Vivariensis, Petrus Bishop of Sabina (Pierre de Sortenac) to eleven questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Castile (pp. 82-84).
  9. Deposition and Responses of Cardinal Bertrandus Atgerius (Bertrand Lagier), at the time of the Conclave the Cardinal Glandatensis, subsequently Bishop of Ostia, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 84-96).
  10. Deposition and Responses of the Cardinal of Poitiers, Guido de Malosicco (Guy de Malsec), subsequently Cardinal BIshop of Palestrina, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 97-111).
  11. Responses of Cardinal Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 111-123).
  12. Responses of Cardinal Guillaume Noellet, Cardinal Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 124-137).
  13. Responses of Cardinal Petrus de Vernhio (Pierre de Vergne) to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 138-148).
  14. Responses of Cardinal Petrus de Luna to sixty-six questions posed by the King of Castile (pp. 148-161).
  15. Sworn deposition of Cardinal Geraldus de Podio (Gérard du Puy), OSBClun., Cardinal Priest of S. Clemente (the Cardinal de Marmoutier) to questions posed by Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 162-168).
  16. Responses of the Cardinal of Milan, Simon de Borsano (Simone Brossano) (pp. 168-169).
  17. Sworn deposition of Conrad Henrici, Ambassador of the Emperor Charles to Pope Gregory XI, from September 7, 1377 (pp. 169-185), with a Formal Protest entered on Monday, July 26, 1378 at Tivoli (pp. 185-188), and another dated July 28, 1378. [Conrad Heinrich was Dean of St. Peter's, Visgrad near Prague; Conrad de Gysenheim was procurator and Secretary of Wenceslaus,the King of the Romans and King of Bohemia]
  18. Treatise of Cardinal Pierre Flandrin, Cardinal Deacon of S. Eustachio (pp.187-191).

L'abbé Maratu, "Guillaume de Noellet, cardinal-diacre de Saint-Ange (vers 1340-4 juillet, 1394)," Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente 10 (1875) 3-96:

Johannes J. J. Döllinger (unter der Leitung von), Beiträge zur politischen, kirchlichen, und cultur- Geschichte der sechs letzten Jahrhunderte III. Band (Regensburg: Georg Joseph Manz 1882),

Luigi Fumi, "Notizie officiali sulla Battaglia di Marino dell' anno 1379," Studi e documenti di storia e diritto 7 (Roma 1886), 3-11:

Noël Valois, "Le rôle de Charles V au début du Grand Schisme (8 avril-16 novembre, 1378)," Annuaire-bulletin de la Société de l' histoire de France 24. 2 (1887), 225-255:

Spicilegio Vaticano di documenti inediti e rari, estratti dagli archivi e dalla biblioteca della sede apostolica Volume I (Roma: Loescher 1890):

P. Meyer and N. Valois, "Poème en quatrains sur le Grand Schisme (1381)," Romania 24. 1 (1895) 179-218.

Noël Valois, "La situation de l' Église au mois d' octobre 1378," Mélanges Julien Havet (Paris: Ernest Leroux 1895), 451-464:

Paulin Paris (editor), Les grandes chroniques de France   Tome sixième (Paris: Techener 1838): Les gestes du roy Charles Cinquiesme du nom. XCI-XCVI. (pp. 441-448).

Siméon Luck (editor), Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327-1393) (Paris: Jules Renouard 1862), pp. 268-271

Theoderic de Nyem [Dietrich von Niem]:   Georg Erler (editor), Theoderici de Nyem de scismate libri tres Lipsiae 1890).

A. Sorrelli,. "Il trattato di S. Vincent Ferrer intorno al Grande Scisma d'Occidente," Atti e memorie della R. Deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna terza serie. 23 (Bologna 1905) 301-455:

Henricus Denifle, OP (editor), Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis Tomus III (Parisiis: Delalain 1894),

Fritz Ehrler, "Die kirchenrechtlichen Schriften Peters von Luna (Benedikts XIII.)," Archiv for Literatur- und Kirchen- geschichte 7 (1893), 515-575

Charles G. Herbermann, "More Light on the Election of Urban VI,"American Catholic Quarterly Review 18 (1893), 407-411.

J. H. Albanés and Ulysse Chevalier (editors), Gallia Christiana Novissima: Marseille (Valence 1899) :

Ludwig von Pastor (editor), Acta inedita historiam Pontificum Romanorum praesertim saec. XV, XVI, XVII illustrantia. Volumen I: A. 1376-1434 (Friburgi Brisgoviae: Herder 1904):

Fr. Vliemeprieder, "Ein Brief des Gegenpapstes [sic] Klemens' VII (1378),"  Historisches Jahrbuch 26 (1905), 574-575.

P. Fedele,   "S. Maria in Monasterio (Note e documenti),"  Archivio del R. societa romana di storia patria 29 (1906), iv., p. 221 

Franz Ehrle, SJ, Martin de Alpartils, Chronica Actitatorum temporis Domini Benedicti XIII Band I (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoning 1906):

Franz Ehrle, "Die Chronik des Garoscus de Ulmoisca Veteri und Bertrand Boysset," Archiv fur Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte 7 (Freiburg im Breisgau 1900), 311-420.

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