Heidemarie andNick's marvelous trip
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New York Part V - American Museum of Natural History and George in the Park


Change comes for all of us - Birgit is back in Germany and Nick is trying to fill her shoes as photographer and co-driver on the way back to California. But first we went to the Museum of Natural History, after a nice walk through Central Park. Below I am in the park near Strawberry Fields - you fans will know.


central park

This is not me - it is the answer man (that's what Nick calls him from the museum)

big head

The Museum of Natural History is an overwhelming treasure of artifacts and information from every corner of the world. One should spend weeks there, not a few hours. WE'll consider it a downpayment.


Mastodon skeleton in the prehistoric animal section



A Reconstructed complete funeral site including immense treasure from South America - just a few images to suggest the breadth and diversity of the museums collection.


In the afternoon we walked down to the New York Public Library, one of the great research libraries of the world.

Patience with Pigeons

patience with pigeons

New York Public Libray from Bryant Park side

Bryant Park

The back of the library from Bryant Park - the park is a lovely green space with quite a history of its own - it began as a potters field in pre-revolutionary days, became a reservoir in the 19th century and in more recent years was turned into a public park atop extensive stacks for the adjacent library.

Fortitude, only one pigeon Fortitude

(Patience and Fortitude guard the library steps)

On the way back to the hotel we visited George - not in the park, that was me - but in Times Square: George M. Cohan with pigeon, background not by Cohan

George with pigeons

and Fighting Father Duffy - no pigeons

duffy front duffy back

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