Heidemarie and Birgit's marvelous journey
Deutsche Version

Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City Yellowstone Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara Scranton New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon

First Stop: Zion


We started the trip by driving to Zion National Park, Utah. Long drive, but easy driving. We stayed at a funky B&B near Zion - no cell -no internet reception - no hair dryer - no AC. But it was ok, nice people - the other guests were a melded Russian/American family; some folks from Massachusets and an Italian honeymoon couple. This made for interesting conversation.

During the night it rained - nice thunderstorm. Probably not so nice for the campers in the park, where they had flashflooding.

Our tax dollars are at work in Zion - major road work; one lane traffic; pilot cars, the works. For once I was happy about the required 25 miles per hour -it made it possible to really enjoy the scenery.

Andrea was right - this place is awesome! Actually it is a lot more impressive when you are there than when you look at the pictures. Absolutely fabulous.


No idea who the person in the picture is.



zion 2


more Zion

zion 4


Ignore the traffic cone - look at the ARCH!!!

(This is where the road goes down to one lane, unpaved)


  Home Zion; Bryce  Salt Lake City Yellowstone; Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara Scranton New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon