Heidemarie andBirgit's marvelous trip
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New York Teil IV - Museums


Today was Birgit's last day in New York and we decided to devote it to two of her favorite museums

Once again we were foiled in our attempts to take the subway - this time it would not let Birgit through the turnstyle. So we enjoyed the pleasant weather and walked up Park Avenue to the Guggenheim Museum. Traffic was light, people walked their dogs, sunday, sunday...



We admired the paintings and a special photography exhibition for several hours, then we headed back to our hotel - even a good thing can be too much

HAUNTED exhibition



Above an installation - Atlantic Wall - by a young Ethiopian artist, Julie Mehretu. One of my favorites

On our way to lunch we once again watched people at the Halal stand below. (a pushcart that sells food according to Islamic prescriptions). This is a common sight, but this particular stand seems to be popular beyond ones normal expectations. Especially after sunset, people line up for a long time to buy - one assumes good and/or really cheap - food. In the evening the line grows to more than 90 feet! We could not figure out what the secret is, especially since it appeared that it was not only Muslims who were buying and eating the food. Go figure!


halalstand  halalesser

After a much needed lunch rest we stormed the next museum - Birgit's favorite museum in the world - MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) which most conveniently is located across from our hotel.


It was excellent, as always. Lots of , apparently number one attraction - an installation by Yoko Ono which consists of a microphone and amplifiers and the visitor is encouraged to scream or whistle or make some other noise into the mic. For those of you who know me, you will understand that I did NOT appreciate this particular piece of art which, of course, permeated the entire museum.



bild in MOMA

Aside from this bit of "art" MOMA was impressive as always. The museum has much more treasure than it can exhibit at one time and as a result, even though I was there last year, most of the pictures, etc. were new to me. Below one of my favorites.




Above Birgit's favorite Lichtenstein. This was Birgit's last day in the US. She has returned to Germany, I will continue to travel and post pictures with Nick, my new photographer and companion (aka husband). Birgit and I had a wonderful time - let's hear it for friends we made in Kindergarten!

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