Heidemarie andNick's marvelous trip
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  Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City Yellowstone Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon                                 

Williamsburg, VA


After Richmond we headed to Williamsburg where we are fortunate to have wonderful friends who provided us with a very comfortable place to stay and excellent food; we enjoyed intelligent conversation (and some of the "do you remember..." kind of talk. Aside from all that, Kathleen and Glen spent an entire day taking us around colonial Williamsburg. Thanks - I am sure there was a bridge and/or a golf game that had your name on it!

governor's palace gate  The entrance to the governor's palace - see below a few pictures of some of the rooms and the gardens of the governor's palace.

governors palace


dining room



prof house


Many of Williamsburg's buildings have been reconstructed on the basis of the surviving brick foundations (a requirement for all buildings after the fire that destroyed the first buildings in the 17th century.) and historical and archeological research.

Below a picture of the current excavation of the foundation of a kitchen adjacent to the blacksmith shop.


williamsburg  Dining room of the George Wythe house - he was the first law professor in the US (at the College of William and Mary) Thomas Jefferson studied law with him.


The weapons magazine (Glen and Kathleen happen to sit on either side of the docent.)

The Capitol and its very eloquent and interesting guide (in the pictures below)


capitol capitol 



Kathleen and Heidemarie

  Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City; Yellowstone Buffalo; Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis; Toronto Niagara

New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums NYC Natural History Transportation

Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg Santa Rosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon