College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

SUN Program

Welcome to our College of Education Self-care Initiative, informally called Self-care for U at Northridge, the SUN Program.

It is so wonderful that you are considering self-care as an important way to care for yourself and keep balance and health in your life. Self-care means taking responsibility for yourself to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle at work and in your personal world through individually determined, proactive activities. You are at your best when you attend to yourself in equal measure to others in day-to-day living! 

Self-Care News

COE Self-Care Activities Week Seven

March 26, 2015


Great news! It's WEEK SEVEN, and we are up to 55 faculty and staff participants in self-care! And our COE Self-care WEBSITE is now up! Thanks again to Ian for the great job of creating this website. Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Six

March 9, 2015


Starting in this WEEK SIX, we are up to 50 staff and faculty having attended at least one of our four weekly activities. If you haven't tried a self-care activity yet, why not make it a gift to yourself this week? Just take a look at what's available below. Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Five

February 27, 2015


On Monday we begin week FIVE of our COE self-care program, with a total of 45 staff and faculty now having attended at least one of our four weekly activities. Our leaders bring innovative and fun activities to each session, and new staff and faculty continue to join as word of these terrific sessions spreads. Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Four

February 20, 2015


Next Monday we begin week four of our COE self-care program, and new staff and faculty have been joining each week. Did you know that all of our self-care activity leaders are volunteering their time for FREE once a week all semester because they believe in the importance of  us taking care of ourselves at work? Read more


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