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Text onlystern Dr. Lundblad Accounting All Stars Accounting 351


Heidemarie and Birgit's marvelous trip (english)



Course Syllabus Spring 2010 updated: 2/9/10


Office Hours: see bottom of page


Concurrent enrollment in Accounting 351Com is required (unless you have already passed 351COM)

Acct. 351Com is an integral part of Accounting 351. Take it just as seriously as Accounting 351! If you fail to successfully complete Accounting 351com you will not be able to enroll in any further accounting courses just as if you fail to successfully complete Accounting 351.


  The Ernst & Young Center for Careers is located in Juniper Hall 2224 and provides unique career-planning services and opportunities for accounting and information systems majors. You are encouraged to visit their location for the purpose of obtaining more information and familiarizing yourself with where your on-campus interviews will take place. Or visit their website at  http://www.csun.edu/acct . IMPORTANT: You must register with My Career Center online at  https://www.csun.edu/career/students/login.php  and upload a resume and cover letter.


Accounting 351 is a rigorous and time-consuming course. It requires in-depth study and analysis and should not be undertaken casually. Several steps may be taken to avoid the "I understand the material, but I just can't do it on the exam" syndrome:

  1. Do not take this course in conjunction with a full class load, full time work and an extensive social life. One or more of them will have to go. Accounting 351, requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of study/work time. This is in addition to the 3 hours of scheduled class meetings.Avoid too many similarly demanding courses.Stay up to date in all assignments.Carefully read and follow the "Student Success Guide"
  3. Meet with me during the first two weeks of the semester to discuss your plans for this semester (Sign up during second class meeting)


Accounting 351 is the second course in the Intermediate Accounting sequence. It examines the following topics: Financial statements; revenue recognition; issues related to alternative asset valuation methods; current and non-current assets; current liabilities; and investments.

 WARNING: You must know the concepts, methods and terminology covered in Principles of Accounting and in Accounting 350. If you have forgotten the basics, review them before we examine the more advanced issues.

 blue iconCourse Objective and Course Format: 1. Provide an in-depth understanding of the technical rules governing financial reporting and the rationale behind them. 2. Provide an opportunity to practice research; critical reasoning; and analysis skills. 3. Practice communication skills In conjunction with Accounting 351Com. To accomplish the course objective, the format consists primarily of class discussion (including problem solving), supplemented by lectures as needed. The assigned readings and cases form the basis for discussion; consequently you must complete all readings and assignments before the corresponding class period. Additional materials may be provided periodically on the web page, they are an integral part of the course and you will be held responsible for their content. Check the web page regularly for update information.

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blue iconGrading
2 Exams: (2 @ 175 points) Exams consist of problems; essays; and multiple choice questions. You may use one (1) page of notes per chapter.

Participation and Pop Quizzes



Communication Assignments - Joint Assignments with Accounting 351com
Group Report
4 Individual assignments (research questions and 3 cases (see course schedule for cases and dates)

Note: The group report and the individual assignments are graded for technical content in Acct 351 and for communication skills in Acct 351Com.





Required Assignments


blue icon Individual cases - The cases are joint assignments (they will be graded in Accounting 351 for technical content and in Accounting 351com for communication) The purpose of these cases is to provide you with training and practice in the following skills: Research of accounting issues (FASB: SEC; other sources); analysis of unstructured problems (multiple "correct" answers may be possible; alternatives must be identified and you must be able to justify your answer); and communication of accounting information in a professional manner. Although the last item (communication) is primarily evaluated by the communication instructor, be aware of the fact that egregious violation of proper communication rules (i.e., plagiarism) or inability to communicate accounting information comprehensively will also result in a failing grade in Accounting 351. The cases will be graded according to the standards shown in the grading rubric . Download the file and make sure you are familiar with the expectations (explained in the file).

blue icon Homework: Double-entry journals - I have developed them to help you study the material in this course. You find them on the course schedule and the chapter resource pages, Use the journals as follows:

    1. Read the book and the information provided in the chapter resource page on the web
    2. Answer the questions and try to complete the practice problems BEFORE THE CLASS MEETING ON THIS SUBJECT
    3. Add any questions (areas of confusion, uncertainty, etc.) Enter answers (questions) in the first column (insert needed spaces).
    4. Leave the other column blank
    5. Bring the journal to class
    6. Write answers to YOUR questions, revisions to your answers or any additional information relating to the questions and answers you recorded in the blank second column.

Included in the double entry journals are the recommended exercises and problems from the appropriate chapters in the textbook. Their purpose is to provide you with the practice necessary to master essential technical accounting skills. They will not be graded. I may, however, discuss some of them in class. Do not expect to receive a passing grade if you have not completed the recommended assignments. Accounting is a subject that requires practice. The assigned problems are the minimum amount of practice required, if you expect to receive an average grade. Solutions are available online, after we have completed the respective chapter. Remember, the more you practice, the more you will improve your technical skills. You may work any cases, exercises or problems. I have merely suggested a minimum set of assignments. Although the journals are not graded, completing them as instructed above will help you master the material in this course. I will also ask questions based on the material and your ability to respond and demonstrate that you have completed the assignment PRIOR to the class in which the material is discussed, will affect your grade in this course. See participation and pop quizzes in the next section


bullet Participation: Be active - ask questions; present opinions; solutions; respond to questions by your colleagues and me.

bulletPop Quizzes: Several pop quizzes will be given during the semester. If you are not present you will miss the quiz and any points you may have earned. Be Present and be prepared!

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blue iconPolicy on Missed Exams: I do not give make-up exams. If you miss the midterm exam due to unavoidable circumstances, the final exam will count double, provided: Either: Arrangements were made with me prior to the date of the missed exam OR.written corroborating evidence must be presented, i.e. a medical certificate.

Final Exam: I do not give make-up a exam. If you are unable to take the final exam for unavoidable reasons, you will be assigned an incomplete.

 All assignments are due on the indicated dates, no late assignments will be accepted.Plus/Minus Grading. In accordance with University grading policy, grading in Accounting 351 will incorporate plus/minus designations.

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Policy on Academic Dishonesty. Academic dishonesty including cheating, fabrication, facilitation of academic dishonesty, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any evidence of cheating will be referred to the appropriate University office for adjudication. Make sure you read and are familiar with the section of the current schedule of classes regarding definitions and penalties. During the first week of class: Download; read; sign and hand in a copy of: Core Value Statement and Ethical conduct Pledge and the Professional conduct statement

Department Repeat and GPA Policy

Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in each upper division business and accounting course in order to graduate with a BS in Accountancy. Students who earn less than a “C” will be permitted to repeat the course only once and only if/when a seat becomes available. There is no guarantee that a student will be able to repeat a class in the semester desired. State and local fire codes prevent classes from exceeding room capacity. Students must have an assigned seat with desk space (i.e., students will not be permitted to sit on the floor or in an empty chair in order to repeat a course.)

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Students with Disabilities


Students with disabilities must register with the Center on Disabilities and complete a services agreement each semester. Staff within the Center will verify the existence of a disability based on the documentation provided and approve accommodations. Students who are approved for testing taking accommodations must provide a proctor form to their faculty member signed by a counselor in the Center on Disabilities prior to making testing arrangements. The Center on Disabilities is located in Bayramian Hall, Room 110. Staff can be reached at (818-677-2684).

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  blue Success in this course and in your chosen profession requires an "intentional learning" approach, as described below:



QUESTIONING - facts, theories, experiences; wanting to learn; asking independent questions about what is to be known.

ORGANIZING - ideas, meaning, knowledge; developing understanding of what is learned.

CONNECTING - new knowledge with old; integrating what is learned into a broader pattern of understanding.

REFLECTING - on what and how and why one is learning; understanding one's learning needs and strategies.

ADAPTING - to new situations and needs; using what is learned in a changing world or profession. [emphasis added]

Source: Francis, M. C, Mulder, T. C., and Stark, J. S., Intentional Learning: A Process for Learning to Learn in the Accounting Curriculum. American Accounting Association: Accounting Education Series, Volume No. 12. 1995, Ch. 2.1. online: http://raw.rutgers.edu/raw/aaa/market/aeseries.htm

All points not specifically discussed are governed by CSUN and COBAE policies

Contact Information

Email: heidemarie.lundblad@csun.edu - Notice: I do not read or answer email from unidentified sources.

sternDepartment of Accounting Office: Juniper Hall JH3123

Department Telephone Number: (818) 677-2461

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Page Content(Links) last updated 2/9/10

On this page you find:

course description including

information about the
course format
required text materials
grading policy
Required assignments -
For a detailed list of assignments see the master course schedule

missed exam policy
Information for students with Disabilities and
Policy on Academic Dishonesty Department repeat and GPA policy

Download, sign and submit a copy of each of the following two statements: Professional conduct statement Core Value Statement and Ethical conduct Pledge

Download the critical thinking grading Critical Thinking Rubric (for cases) stern


California State University, Northridge at 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330 / Phone: 818-677-1200 / © 2006 CSU Northridge