Beginner's Guide to Access 2000:

Designing a Table in Design View

Starting a New Table

After you've started Access and created a new database, do the following to start a new table.
  1. Click Tables in the Objects section of the "Database Name: Database" dialog box.
  2. Next, click the New button. 
  3. In the "New Table" dialog box (see Figure 1, below) click Design View.
  4. Then click on the OK button.
FIGURE 1. Dialog boxes showing "Tables" choice and "New Table" optionsDialog boxes showing Tables choice and New Table options

Data Types

Before entering data into the fields in the Design View of your new table you should become familiar with the kinds of data you can store in these fields. By selecting the proper Data Type for a field you can optimize its usefulness when you perform queries, sorts and produce reports.
Data Type Description
Text Text and/or numbers that don't require calculations  — up to 255 characters 
Memo Any text and/or numbers  — up to 65,535 characters
Number Numeric data used in calcuations
Date/Time Date and time values for years 100 through 9999
Currency Currency values used in calculations
AutoNumber Unique sequential number assigned automatically to each new record
Yes/No Values can be only Yes or No, True or False, or On or Off
OLE Object An object such as a spredsheet, document, graphic, etc.
Hyperlink WWW hyperlink address

Defining Data Fields

In the Design View window (Figure 2, below), you will enter the name of each field, the Data Type of that field and a description.
FIGURE 2. Design View window.Design View window
  1. Click the mouse in the first blank cell in the Field Name column and enter the desired name for that field.
  2. Tap the TAB key to move the insertion pointer to the Data Type column.
  3. The default Data Type is Text. To change the Data Type click on the down-arrow box in the cell and then click on the desired Data Type from the drop list menu.
  4. Tap the TAB key again and the insertion pointer moves to the Description column.
  5. Enter in any text you want to describe this field.
  6. Tap the TAB key again to repeat this process for the next field. As you create fields notice the two tabs General and Lookup in the Field Properties portion of the Design View window. By clicking on the General tab you can customize the properties of the fields by defining such characteristics as Field Size, Format, Decimal Places, etc. To modify one of these field properties click on the property, click on the down arrow box and then click on the desired value from the drop list menu.
  7. When finished defining the fields for the table click on the Save button in the toolbar (or click File on the menu bar and then click the Save option in the File drop-down menu).
Now you're ready to enter data into your database.

Top | Contents | Intro | Start | Naming Conventions | Design | Data | Query | Input Form | Report | Learn More | Close+Exit
Prepared by Tina Reed, User Support Services
March 15, 2001

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