Beginner's Guide to Access 2000:

Getting Started

Starting Access 2000

  1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
  2. Point to Programs.
  3. Click Microsoft Access from the submenu.

Creating a New Database

When Microsoft Access is launched, a dialog box appears which provides you with several options (see Figure 1, below). You can create a blank database on your own, or you can choose Database Wizards, Pages and Projects. You can also open an existing database by choosing Open An Existing File.

To create a new blank database click on the Blank Access Database option and then click the OK button.

FIGURE 1. "Create a New Database" dialog box.'Create a New Database' dialog box

In the "File New Database" dialog box (see Figure 2, below) enter the name of your new database into the File Name: text box and click on the Create button.

FIGURE 2. "File New Database" dialog box.

The "Database Name: Database" dialog box is then displayed (see Figure 3, below).

FIGURE 3. "Database Name: Database" dialog box.'Database Name: Database' dialog box

The database has been created. It is now ready for use. 


Top | Contents | Intro | Start | Naming Conventions | Design | Data | Query | Input Form | Report | Learn More | Close+Exit
Prepared by Tina Reed, User Support Services
March 15, 2001

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