Beginner's Guide to Access 2000:

Producing a Report

Reports are what Microsoft Access is all about. Once you have created the database, set up a table, created an input form, entered data into the table, selected records from the table through a query, you now want to create a report to display the data as useful information. As in the case with forms, Microsoft Access provides several predefined reports and has a Report Wizard. The Report Wizard will be used in the example below. You can also create your own customized reports by using Microsoft Access report design tools.

To create a report using the Report Wizard click on Reports in the Objects section of the the "Database name: Database" dialog box and then click the New button (as illustrated in Figure 1, below).

FIGURE 1. Dialog boxes showing "Reports" selection and "New Report" options
In the "New Reports" dialog box (see Figure 1, above) click Report Wizard and then click the OK button.

In the first Report Wizard dialog box you are asked which fields you would like to include in your report. You can highlight the available field you want to work with and then click the > button, or you can choose all the fields listed by clicking the >> button. Click on the Next button to go to the next Wizard dialog box. Continue to click on the Next button in the successive dialog boxes while making the necessary changes along the way (shown in Figures 2 through 7, below). In the last dialog box enter the title for your report, choose "Preview the report" or "Modify the report's design", and then click Finish. The end result is displayed (as illustrated in Figure 8).
Note: For information about naming your report file, please see the section entitled "Naming Conventions".

FIGURE 2. Report Wizard Selected Fields.Report Wizard Selected Fields
FIGURE 3. Report Wizard: Grouping Levels.Report Wizard: Grouping Levels

FIGURE 4. Report Wizard: Sort Order.Report Wizard: Sort Order

FIGURE 5. Report Wizard: Layout and Orientation.Report Wizard: Layout and Orientation

FIGURE 6. Report Wizard: Style.Report Wizard: Style

FIGURE 7. Report Wizard: Title.Report Wizard: Title

FIGURE 8. The Report.The Report

Top | Contents | Intro | Start | Naming Conventions | Design | Data | Query | Input Form | Report | Learn More | Close+Exit
Prepared by Tina Reed, User Support Services
March 15, 2001

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