Beginner's Guide to Access 2000:

Designing an Input Form

An input form is an easy, effective, efficient way to enter data into a table. Input forms are especially useful when the person entering the data is not familiar with the inner workings of Microsoft Access and needs to have a guide in order to input data accurately into the appropriate fields. Microsoft Access provides several predefined forms and provides a forms wizard that walks you through the process of creating a form. One of these predefined forms will be used in the example below. You can also create your own customized forms by using Microsoft Access form design tools.

To use one of the predefined forms click Forms in the Objects section of the "Database name: Database" dialog box and click on the New button (see Figure 1, below).

FIGURE 1. Dialog boxes showing "Forms" choice and "New Form" optionsDialog boxes showing Forms choice and New Form options

In the "New Forms" dialog box (see Figure 1, above), click Autoform: Columnar to select this predefined form. Click on the down-arrow button to show the list of tables and click on the table name to be used with this form. Click the OK button.

Save the form by clicking on the Save button on the toolbar (or by clicking on the File menu item in the menu bar and then clicking Save As). Enter the name of the new form and then click the OK button. (For more information about naming your file, please see the section entitled "Naming Conventions".)

To use the form once it has been defined click on the Forms tab in the "Database name: Database" dialog box and choose (click) the desired form name. Then click the Open button to get to the data entry dialog box (see Figure 2, below). 

FIGURE 2. Dialog boxes showing "Forms" selection and data entry text boxes
The input form has now been created. You can begin to enter data at this point, or you can use the navigational toolbar located at the bottom of the input form. Click < to move backward, or click >* to enter a new record. (Note: Moving to the next record will ensure that the previous record has been saved.) 

Top | Contents | Intro | Start | Naming Conventions | Design | Data | Query | Input Form | Report | Learn More | Close+Exit
Prepared by Tina Reed, User Support Services
March 15,  2001

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