Beginner's Guide to Access 2000:

Creating a Query

A query permits you to select records from your database tables that meet certain conditions or criteria. For example, you may want to produce a report that contains only those records that have a zip code greater than 90000, or you may want to select those records where the state is California and the age of the individual is more than 50. These tests or criteria are specified and applied to the table by creating a query. In effect the query creates a subset of the table containing only those records and fields specified in the query.

To create a query click Queries in the Objects section of the "Database name: Database" dialog box and then click on the New button (see Figure 1, below).

FIGURE 1. Dialog boxes showing "Queries" choice and "New Query" optionsDialog boxes showing Queries choice and New Query options

In the "New Query" dialog box (see Figure 1, above), click Design View and then click the OK button. The "Show Table" dialog box appears (see Figure 2, below). Click on the Tables tab and then click on the name of the table containing the data to be queried. Click the Add button and then click the Close button.

FIGURE 2. "Show Table" dialog box.Show Table dialog box
  1. From within the "Query 1: Select Query" window, click on the first Field cell. ( A sample "Select Query" window is shown in Figure 4, below).
  2. Click the down arrow button to display the drop list of field names.
  3. Click on the field name that you want to set criteria for.
  4. Click on the Criteria cell and enter the criteria description. Tap the ENTER key.
  5. Repeat this process for any additional criteria using other fields.
Note: If more than one field is tested by a criterion the only records selected will be those that meet the conditions of the first criterion and any successive criteria. If more than one criterion is defined for an individual field, those records that meet the first criterion or any successive criteria will be selected.

Any reports using a particular query will only display those records meeting the collective query criteria and will only display those fields specified in the query. To include fields that are not being tested by any criteria but need to be part of a report, include that field in the "Select Query" window by clicking on the next Field cell and click on the desired field name, and leave the Criteria cell blank. Make sure the check box in the Show cell is checked.

FIGURE 3. "Select Query" Window sample.'Select Query' Window sample.
Once the query criteria has been defined you will need to run the query by clicking the Run button — an exclamation mark (!) — on the toolbar, or by clicking  Query on the Menu Bar and choosing Run. A sample of query results is shown in Figure 5, below. This sample query was created to determine who is over 50 years in age.
FIGURE 5. Sample query results.Sample query results.

Save the query by clicking the Save button on the toolbar (or by clicking on the File menu item on the menu bar and selecting Save As). In the Save As dialog box enter the name of the query and click OK. (For more information about naming your file, please see the section entitled "Naming Conventions".)

This query can now be used to produce reports containing only those records meeting the query criterion.

Top | Contents | Intro | Start | Naming Conventions | Design | Data | Query | Input Form | Report | Learn More | Close+Exit
Prepared by Tina Reed, User Support Services
March 15,  2001

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