• MIC Fall 2024 Leadership Conference: Practicing Strengths Based Leadership; Saturday October 12 - 9am to 1pm; Northridge Center

MIC Fall Leadership Conference

This year the Matador Involvement Center will be hosting a student leadership conference focused leading from your strengths.

The conference will take place Saturday October 12, 2024 from 9:00am to 1:00pm (check-in starts at 8:30am) in the University Student Union (USU) Northridge Center.

  • Attendees will be introduced to the Strength Based Leadership model, experience interactive activities and engage in small group discussions to further explore strength-based leadership concepts. By participating in the conference, students will be able to identify their strengths and incorporate them into their leadership style.
  • A mandatory training on the Associated Students Annual Budgeting Request process will also be provided to attendees.

Attendance Requirements

  • Event attendance is mandatory for university recognized student organizations (and student organizations seeking university recognition).
  • Any student organization that DOES NOT have at least one (1) student representative attend the entire conference from 9am to 1pm on behalf of the organization will NOT be allowed to participate in Spring 2025 Meet the Clubs and/or Spring 2025 Meet the Greeks.

Who Can Attend?

  • It is preferred that the organization President or Treasurer attend the conference on behalf of the organization.
  • If the President is not available, the President can designate a proxy (the treasurer or another student member) to attend on behalf of the organization.
  • The proxy must be a currently enrolled CSUN student.
  • Student attendees can only represent one (1) student organization.
  • Only the official student proxy identified on the registration form will be eligible to represent an organization.
  • The student organization president is responsible for registering the organization for the conference. As part of the registration process the President can identify a proxy, if they are not available to attend.

Questions or concerns regarding attendance requirements can be directed to Jennifer Herrera-Alvarado at jennifer.herrera-alvarado@csun.edu

How to Register

To register for the event, the student organization President must complete the Fall 2024 MIC Leadership Conference Registration online form by Wednesday October 9th at 11:59pm.