Mail Merge Basics:

How to Learn More

Word Help Options

You can use the Word 2000 Office Assistant feature to "pose a question" — or enter a keyword or phrase. You can then click on a topic for information/instructions. For example, entering the phrase "mail merge" will give you the following topics to choose from:
  • Use mail merge to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, or catalogs
  • Word with a mail-merge data source
  • Overview of mail merge
  • Print, e-mail, or fax merged documents
  • Troubleshoot mail merge
  • Tips on inserting merge fields
  • Customize a mail merge
  • Plan and organize a mail-merge data source
  • Word fields for use in mail merge
If you disable the Office Assistant, you can use Microsoft Office Help to select items from the Contents list or use the Index to search for keywords.

For additional information about Word Help Options, see the "How to Learn More" section of the Beginner's Guide to Word 2000.


Printed Material

There are numerous books available to help you learn how to use Microsoft Word 2000. Following are three that are published by Microsoft Press. Each includes a section about the Mail Merge feature.
  • ISBN No. 1-57231-940-2. Microsoft Word 2000 At a Glance (visual reference, 336 pages)
  • ISBN No. 1-57231-970-4. Microsoft Word 2000 Step by Step (self-study kit, including exercise CD, 425 pages)
  • ISBN No. 1-57231-943-7. Running Microsoft Word 2000 (comprehensive reference, 917 pages)
Students can purchase these and other references and tutorials at most bookstores. Campus departments can obtain Microsoft Press publications at reduced prices through the CSU-Microsoft agreement (contact the University Help Desk at campus extension 1400 for further information).

Top  | Contents | Data | Form Letters | Mailing Labels | Envelopes | Lists/Catalogs | Select Records | Learn More
Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services
May 15, 2001


ITR's technology training guides are the property of California State University, Northridge. They are intended for non-profit educational use only. Please do not use this material without citing the source.