Mail Merge Basics
(using Word and Excel)


Word's Mail Merge feature allows you to create personalized documents by merging together a main document and a data source.

The main document is a text and format file that contains any common text you want in the merged output as well as codes that will bring in information from your data source at appropriate positions in the document. A main document might be a form letter, mailing labels, envelopes, or a report, schedule or other list (catalog).

The data source can be any "database" of information: names and addresses, inventory records, or personnel records, for example. It contains the information that will vary with each letter, mailing label or report item when you complete the mail merge procedure. The instructions in this document assume you'll use Excel to create your data source document. Abbreviated instructions for creating a data source document in Word are also provided. Other programs (such as Access) can also be used.

There are three steps to any mail merge project:

    Step 1: Create a data source document.
    Step 2: Create a main document.
    Step 3: Merge the main document with the data source.
Step 1 is described in Section 1 of this training guide. Steps 2 and 3 are covered in Sections 2 through 5 (one section for each merge type available). Instructions for printing selected records are provided as well as information on how to learn more about Mail Merge.

Table of Contents

Creating and Sorting a Data Source Document
Generating Individually Addressed Form Letters
Generating Mailing Labels
Generating Individually Addressed Envelopes
Generating a List (or "Catalog")
How to Merge and Print Selected Records
How to Learn More

Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services

May 15, 2002

ITR's technology training guides are the property of California State University, Northridge. They are intended for non-profit educational use only. Please do not use this material without citing the source.