Mail Merge Basics:

How to Merge and Print Selected Records

This section describes how to use the Query Options dialog box to merge and print selected records from a data source document. Before you can make record selections you should already have created both the data source document and a main document (for form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, and/or a catalog).

Step by Step:

  1. Open the main document you want to use for the merge.
  2. Click the Merge... (Start Mail Merge) button on the Mail Merge toolbar (as illustrated in Figure 1, below).
FIGURE 1. Righthand end of Mail Merge toolbar (with "Merge..." selected)Merge toolbar with 'Merge...' selected
  1. In the Mail Merge dialog box, click the Query Options button.
  2. Use the "Filter Records" tab in the Query Options dialog box to specify what records you want to merge (see Figure 2, below).
    • Enter at least one qualification by selecting a Field and a Comparison item from the drop-down menus and then entering the value to "Compare to". In the example shown in Figure 2 (below), the Military (military time) field must be greater than 1159 in order to be selected for merging (i.e., only afternoon or evening times will be included).
    • You can further qualify your selection by entering up to six comparisons and using AND or OR specifications.
    • Refer to the "How to Learn More" section for additional information.
FIGURE 2. Query Options Dialog BoxQuery Options Dialog Box
  1. If desired, you can also sort the records in your data source document from this dialog box (using the "Sort" tab).
  2. When finished, click the OK button to return to the Mail Merge dialog box.
  3. Make any selection desired and then click the Merge button. Remember that it is best to merge to a new document (the default setting).
  4. After the documents are merged you can print the resulting document. See Figure 3 (below) for the merge resulting from the filter options specified in Figure 2 (above).
FIGURE 3. Merged Document Resulting from Record Filtering

Top  | Contents | Data | Form Letters | Mailing Labels | Envelopes | Lists/Catalogs | Select Records | Learn More
Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services
March 20, 2001


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