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College of Education News

COE Self-Care Activities for June

June 1, 2015


Welcome back to our summer edition of the COE SUN (Self-care for U at Northridge) website! We will be posting information about ways to promote self-care with a theme for each of our summer months. This month's theme is SLEEP.  Read more

COE Self-Care Spring & Summer Activities

May 5, 2015


We did it! We completed a full 12 weeks of faculty and staff self-care in our college! Now we are collecting post surveys from everyone who participated to see how this self-care program was received and to determine where to go in the future. We will send out a summary of responses later this semester. In the meantime, we leave you with three topics to check out. Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Twelve

April 27, 2015


This is the final week of our COE self-care program for the Spring 2015 semester. Thank you to everyone who helped make this experience such a positive one! Once again, if you participated in at least one self-care activity, we ask that you help us out in the next few weeks by filling out a post-survey about the self-care activities.  Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Eleven

April 20, 2015


It is WEEK ELEVEN of our COE self-care program and we have only one more week after this before the spring self-care activities end. Starting this week and continuing next week, we will be asking if faculty and staff who have participated in at least one self-care activity would help us out during our activity sessions by filling out a post-survey asking about the self-care activities.  Read more

Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program

March 27, 2015

ACT Flyer thumbnail

INTERESTED IN A 1-YEAR CREDENTIAL PROGRAM? The Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program may be for YOU!

ACT is offered by California State University, Northridge (CSUN) in partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District and other collaborating districts.

ACT candidates obtain a credential in one year through full-time study. ACT is available to candidates interested in becoming teachers in elementary, secondary, or special education (mild/moderate disabilities).

View our flyer and visit the ACT website for more information.

COE Self-Care Activities Week Seven

March 26, 2015


Great news! It's WEEK SEVEN, and we are up to 55 faculty and staff participants in self-care! And our COE Self-care WEBSITE is now up! Thanks again to Ian for the great job of creating this website. Read more

COE Self-Care Activities Week Six

March 9, 2015


Starting in this WEEK SIX, we are up to 50 staff and faculty having attended at least one of our four weekly activities. If you haven't tried a self-care activity yet, why not make it a gift to yourself this week? Just take a look at what's available below. Read more

Free Workshop with Dr. Ed Ellis

February 5, 2015

The University Library

"K-12 Differentiated Visual Tools for Teaching Discipline-specific Content K-12 Literacy"

Dr. Ed Ellis, a national leader in the creation and effective use of instructional organizers, has created a series of graphic organizers and tools that are directly linked to the Common Core Standards, and he is coming to CSUN to share these exciting new resources. Read more


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