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College of Education News

Welcome Back!

August 24, 2014

The University Library

We hope that your summer break was both restful and productive, and that you are ready for a successful semester this Fall. We look forward to many new and returning faces being seen through our halls.

Read a personal welcome from Dean Spagna Read more

The Butterfly Circus Screening

April 29, 2014

The Butterfly Circus flyer

The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Student CEC co-sponsored a screening of the short film "The Butterfly Circus" on Tuesday, April 29th Read more

Commencement 2014

March 29, 2014

The University Library

This year, the Michael D. Eisner College of Education will be hosting a joint commencement with the College of Humanities. There are a number of other significant changes that anyone who will be attending the commencement, graduate or guest, will want to know. Read more

Seeking an Authentic Voice

March 28, 2014

Flyer for the Seeking an Authentic Voice event

The Role of Parents & Communities in School Change in Los Angeles
A free, public forum on Wednesday, 4/16

Can parents have a real voice in school improvement and decision-making? What is needed to make it happen?

Join parent activists, community leaders, and educators in a dialogue on parent issues in L.A. Read more

CSUN Lecturer Gives Future Teachers Glimpse into Autism

March 28, 2014

Elaine Hall

Elaine Hall, the author of “Seven Keys to Unlock Autism: Creating Miracles in the Classroom,” served as guest lecturer this spring in the Department of Special Education’s Accelerated Collaborative Training Residency (ACT-R) program. Read more

EPC Workshops Program Spring 2014

February 24, 2014

The University Library

The EPC department has new information on their Workshops Program for Spring 2014, including workshops on:

  • Domestic Violence Strategies: Ending the Cycle for the Next Generation
  • The Journal of Love - Healing Heart Wounds
  • Understanding Stress and the Use of Self-Hypnosis for Stress Management
  • Transforming Negative Self Talk
  • Child Abuse: Prevention, Identification, Intervention & Treatment

See the full brochure

  Read more


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