Sede Vacante 1559
August 18, 1559—December 25, 1559
Documents concerning the Election of 1559
- Treaty between Cardinal Carlo Carafa and King Henri II of France (July 23, 1556) [Ribier II, 649-650]
- Conclave Diary of Giovanni Francesco Firmano, Master of Ceremonies (Gattico I, pp. 332-335)
- Philibert Babon, Bishop of Angoulême, to the Cardinal de Lorraine (August 18, 1559) [Ribier II, 827-828]
- Philibert Babon, French Ambassador, to the Prime Minister (Cardinal de Lorraine) (September 15, 1559) [Ribier II, 828-830]
- Letter of Cardinals d'Este and Guise to the King of France, September 27, 1559 (Ribier II, 834-835)
- Letter of Cardinal Louis de Guise to his brothers, September 27, 1559 (Ribier II, 833-835 [printer's mispagination])
- Letter of Ambassador Babon to the Cardinal de Lorraine (October 20, 1559) [Ribier II, 837-838]
- Letter of Cardinals d'Este and Guise, announcing the election of Pius IV (December 25, 1159, 8:00 p.m.) [Ribier II, 840]
- Letter of Francis II to the Cardinal de Guise in Rome (January 16, 1560) [Ribier II, 840-842]
Guillaume Ribier (editor), Lettres et mémoires d' Estat des Roys, Princes, Ambassadeurs et autres Ministres , sous les Règnes de François premier, Henry II, et François II Tome second (Paris 1666).
Joannes Baptista Gattico, Acta Selecta Caeremonialia Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae ex variis mss. codicibus et diariis saeculi xv. xvi. xvii. Tomus I (Romae 1753).