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Web-Based Applications of Technology

Building Your Teaching Website

FrontPage in the Classroom
Part of the Microsoft Office Suite, FrontPage is a web-authoring software program. It is very easy to use to develop websites..  The website has step by step tutorials for creating a website using FrontPage.

How to build a classroom website
The website gives a step by step guide for planning and developing a website.  There are a lot of helpful links and a list of free website providers for developing and maintaining your website.

A 30 day trial period is available to begin an electronic homework site as well as attendance and gradebook support. Provides a step by step guide for  teachers to create their own website to communicate with students outside of class.

Web Page Development-- Claris HomePage; Dreamweaver, FireworksFlashFrontPage
Great site that provides tutorials on web authoring software and numerous applications (e.g., Inspriation, Kidpix, Hyperstudio).

Tips for Creating Accessible Websites

Accessible Website Design
This website describes web accessibility initiative (WAI) guidelines.

Bobby Approved-AAA Accessibility Level
Free service that allows users to test web pages for compliance with the W3C's (World Wide Web Consortium) accessibility guidelines.  Just type in the URL and the service will run a check for Bobby Approved Accessibility.

Bobby WorldWide Web Accessibility Tool-How Accessible is your Website?
An article describing the importance of developing accessible websites.  Includes a list of other accessible web design articles.

Creating and Using Webquests

Creating Effective Teacher Webpages
Creatively presents a Webquest on what to include in a teacher website.

Encouraging the Use of Technology in the Classroom: The WebQuest Connection
This article tracks the evolution of “The WebQuest Connection,” a cooperative effort between children and teachers in a local school district and university students enrolled in a secondary reading methods course.

Some Thoughts about Webquests
An important description of the earliest conceptualization of the WebQuest model.

What is a Webquest? The Webquest Page
The source for learning about webquests, their structure, capability and more.

What WebQuests Are (Really)
An article by Tom March descrbing “What are WebQuests?”


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