This site helps teachers locate and create
ready-to-use Web lessons, quizzes, rubrics and classroom
calendars. There are also tools for student use. Discover
valuable professional development resources addressing
issues such as equity, ELL, technology planning, and
at-risk or special-needs students.
50 Uses for Inspiration® and KidspirationTM
List of 50 uses for using Inspiration and Kidspiration diagram and concept mapping software. Includes a rubric and samples of projects created using the software.
DiscoverySchool.com Technology
Resource for Social Studies technology instruction.
Education World Technology Lessons
Offers a range of technology lesson plans for K-12 educators.
Inspiration Software
Site for purchasing inspiration software. Download a free trial.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
A comprehensive site that gives online resources by subject area. Additional resources include a puzzlemaker, clipart gallery, lesson plan templates, etc.
PBS Teacher Resources
Teachers can search for lessons by grade level and subject. Access PBS TV schedules and the latest in K-12 technology and research.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Teach with Technology: Getting Past Go in Science and Mathematics
This is an article describing various technology topics for educators (e.g., WebQuests, Creating PowerPoint presentations) with helpful links.