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Using Technology as an Assessment Tool

Using Technology for Performance and Product Rubrics

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators--Assessment Page
You will find a collection of assessment rubrics and graphic organizers that may be helpful to you as you design your own.

Notes on Rubric Development
This sites provides definitions of rubrics and examples.

Helpful site that will get you going on developing rubrics using a software.  View samples of rubrics developed.

Using Technology for Creating Teacher-Made Tests

Schoolhouse Technologies:  The power to teach
Provides a helpful tool for construction of teacher-made tests.  You will need to purchase the software.  Download free samples of worksheets for mathematics, vocabulary, word searches, and crossword puzzles (variety of themes/topics) with answer keys included.

Using Technology for Designing Electronic Portfolios

Can Digital Teaching Portfolios Become Tools for Technology Integration?
An article on the potential relationship between the use of electronic portfolios and subsequent integration of technology in the classroom.


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