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Tips for Evaluating Websites

The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation
...article by Schrock, K. in Classroom Connect, 7/02

Building a Content-Rich Web Page
...article by Schrock, K. in Technology & Learning, 9/00

Evaluating the Web: Questions to Ask Yourself
...article by Schrock, K in Cable in the Classroom, 7/01

Evaluation of Internet Web Sites : An Annotated Bibliography
...by Schrock, K. in ERIC Digest, 8/98

Internet Curriculum : Brush Up on the Internet
Four mini lessons developed by Schrock, K. for teachers to introduce the Internet

Internet Curriculum : Critical Evaluation Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan developed by Schrock K. for teachers to use with students to evaluate a website

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff:
How to Tell the Good Sites from the Bad

...article by Schrock, K. in Internet Trend Watch for Libraries, 3/98


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