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Technology in Our Schools

An Educator's Guide to Evaluating The Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms
121 pg. guide primarily geared for educators or administrators with little or no research experience to help evaluate technology in a school. The guide includes examples of technology surveys.

Assessing Your Technology Quotient--EdTechProfile

EdTechProfile delivers the results for every teacher, school, and district, in the entire State of California. With teacher self-assessments based upon the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Standards 9 & 16, as well as surveys for students, principals, and administrators, educators have access to reports and information to help them.

Assessing Your Technology Quotient--The Learning With Technology Profile Tool
The Learning With Technology Profile Tool is a computer program intended to help educators think carefully about their practice in the areas of engaged learning and technology. The program presents indicators of engaged learning and indicators of technology. For each indicator there are three choices that educators can compare to their own practice. When finished, educators can view the results in a graphical format to help identify their strengths and weaknesses.

International Society for Technology in Education
Standards for Educational Technology programs.

PBS Technology & Teaching
Provides a range of tutorials for technology applications, as well as the latest reports and information resources.

Sample Internet Needs Assessment  
Sample of an Interntet Needs Assessment of perceived technology training needs for schools.

Technology in Education
Current news and articles about technology in education

Technology's Impact
n article from Electronic School Online shows the effectiveness and limitations of school technology.

Tech Learning
Extensive resources on Educational Technology.


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