Enrichment Courses

Period 1: 8:00 AM - 10 PM
Period 2: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

(Pick 2 Courses)

Students may enroll in TWO of the following classes (or one, plus one elective course).  Four units of credit per class may be available; consult with home school. Classes meet daily for five weeks.

Courses designated by a red asterisks * are new to our program for 2006.

Computers – Beginning BASIC
Computers – Intermediate BASIC *
Computers – Internet
Computers – Keyboarding & Word Processing
Computers – Multimedia (Beginning and Advanced)

American Sign Language
English as a Second Language*
French- Beginning
Reading- Developmental*
Reading- Power
Spanish- Beginning
Spanish- Conversational
Spanish for Spanish Speakers*
Writing (grades 6,7,8)
Writing (grades 9-12)

California H.S. Exit Exam Preparation (grades 9-12)*
Math Skills
Pre-Algebra Preview/ Review
Algebra I Preview/ Review
Geometry Preview/ Review
Algebra II Preview/ Review

Robotics- Mars Land Rover
Science Olympiad (grades 6-9)

Special Interest:
Driver Education
Martial Arts/ Self-Defense*
SAT/PSAT Preparation (grades 9-12)
Study Skills (grades 6-9)

Visual and Performing Arts:
Art Exploration
Dance- Beginning
Drama Workshop- Acting
Guitar- Beginning*

Elective Program

Period 2: 10:30 AM - 1 PM

(Pick 1 Course)

High School students may enroll in ONE of the following classes, which will be offered second period only.  The first period class must be chosen from the Enrichment Program. Five units of credit for the Elective class may be available; consult with home school. Classes meet daily for five weeks. Attendance is required for all five weeks! Homework.

Courses designated by a red asterisks * are new to our program for 2006.

Art Exploration
Drama- Musical Theatre
Literature (grades 9,10)*
Writing (grades 9,10)

Academic Courses

7:45AM - 1:00PM

(Pick 1 Course)

These classes meet five hours per day and upon successful completion of them, students receive ten credits, which is equivalent to one year’s credit. If a student needs only one semester (A, B, Math Analysis, or Trigonometry) that can be arranged.  Each class meets 7:45am – 1:00pm daily for five weeks. Attendance is required for all five weeks. Homework.

Algebra IAB
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Pre-Algebra)

Geometry IAB
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Algebra I)

Algebra IIAB
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Geometry I)

Math Analysis/Trigonometry
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Algebra II)

Spanish IAB

Spanish IIAB
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Spanish I)

Spanish IIIAB
(Prerequisite:  C or better in Spanish II)


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© 2005 - CSUN Summer Academic Enrichment Program