Housing Engagement Calendar

Use this link to find out about featured events at CSUN, https://www.csun.edu/calendar.

Use this link to find out about featured events offered by Associated Students: https://www.csun.edu/as/

CSUN Student Housing wants to offer students opportunities to engage with each other. We have planned events, social media takeovers, affinity group meetings, and more... Below is a list of planned initiatives to keep students engaged with the CSUN Student Housing Community.

Continue to engage with us on social media! See some of our accounts below:

CSUN Student Housing Social Media

  • Instagram: @csunstudenthousing
  • Twitter: @CSUN_SH
  • Facebook: CSUN Student Housing

Residence Halls Association (RHA)

  • Instagram: @csunrha
  • Twitter: @CSUN_RHA
  • Facebook: CSUN RHA

Black Girl Magic

  • Instagram: @csun_bgm

Black Male Initiative

  • Instagram: @csun_bmi
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