
Current/Future Projects

Current/Future/Active Feasibility Projects as of October 2020

Projects In Construction

G6 Parking Structure Design Build
Bldg. Electrical Substations Replacement
Central Plant HHW Piping  Replacement Phase 3
Satellite Plant Cooling Towers
EH 2008 Physics Lab Renovation
Pacific Willow Bldg. 6 Apartment Reconstruction
Art & Design Building Landscape
JD Exterior Stair
Addie Klotz Student Health Center Flooring Phase II
Addie Klotz Student Health Center-Additional Painting at PODS
Amber Box Shot Detection System
Amber Box Shot Detection System - Oviatt Library Installation
Amber Box Shot Detection System - Magnolia Hall
Amber Box Shot Detection System - Citrus Hall
Amber Box Shot Detection System - Eucalyptus Hall
Amber Box Shot Detection System - Live Oak Hall
UPA Housing Concrete Repairs - Various Locations
UPA Housing Concrete Repairs - Additional locations UPA 6 & UPA 10
UPA Housing Concrete Repairs Add Scope, Misc Irrigation, Light pole, grading & Sod
Balconies 13, 2 (winter break work)
Balconies 6, 13 (winter break work)
University Hall 205 Academic Affairs Renovation
University Hall 205 Academic Affairs Renovation, New Entry Door, Vision Panels, Backing & Add Electrical/Data
University Hall 205 Carpet Replacement
B3, B5, G3 Hitech Sign Installation & Data Re-Route at B3 West
B3, B5, G3 Hitech Sign Installation - Add Scope & T2 Credit
Stair Treads 8&14 (winter break work)
Soraya Office 321C Improvements
Soraya Office 321C Improvements - Changes to door hardware
Soraya Office 321C Improvements - Additional Wall Framing
UPAs 6&13 Stair Treads & Tiles (Summer 2020)
OV 300 LRC New Door Operators
OV 300 LRC New Door Operators - Additional Push Paddle
Soraya Administration Audio Visual Infrastructure Project
Soraya Administration Audio Visual Infrastructure Project - Additional Painting in Marketing Office
EUC 150 Power and Data for 2 Work Stations 
Reseda Annex NASA Grant - Additional drywall & Ceiling Tiles
Office of Student Success-UN 280G Renovation - Additional Scope, backing, electrical

JOC Planning/Design

EOP Office Renovation in Bayramian Hall
Bookstein Hall Gateway Rooms Refresh
Oviatt Library Lighting Replacement Project
Nordhoff Hall Lighting Replacement Project
Monterey Hall Lighting Replacement Project

JOC Projects Planned for the next 3 months

Bayramian Hall Lobby Renovation Project
UPA 9 Fire Alarm (Summer 2020)
UPAs 6&13 Paint (Summer 2020)
SH 367B Audio Visual Project
Reseda Annex 205 Audio Visusal
UPAs 6&13 Countertops and sinks (Summer 2020)
UPAs 6&13 Flooring (Summer 2020)
UPA 6 Signage (Summer 2020)
UPA 17 Paint Common Living Rooms (Summer 2020)
Guard Rail restoration (Spring 2020)
Bike Cage Enclosure (Spring 2020) 
UPAs 2, 5, 7-11 Balcony Remediation
UN 362 Admin & Finance AV Infrastructure 
Oviatt Library Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades
Nordhoff Hall Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades
Monterey Hall Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades

PPM Projects


Projects on Hold

Eucalyptus Hall Restrooms
Soraya Corridor Ceiling Improvement
RE Roof Replacement Design ONLY
JH Roof Replacement Design Only
Student Affairs New Office
VP Admin & Finance Office Renovation
Children's Center Lunch Room Project

Campus Quality Fee (CQF) Projects


Major Capital/TOCA Projects Currently in Design

Restaurant and Conference Center
Baseball Ball Park Lighting
Science Emergency Generator
Monterey Hall Heat Recovery Chiller
Oviatt Library Portico Deck Water Protection
Biology Growth Chambers
Bayramian Rm 520 Reception Window Alteration

Major Capital Projects in Planning/Feasibility

Sierra Annex
Center for Integrated Design & Manufacturing Feasibility Study
Plummer and Darby Street Intersection Project
Sierra Hall 
Oviatt Community & Student Research
Oviatt DISH
Plummer Street Vacation
USU Northridge Center
Brown Center Assessment 
Etiwanda Street Vacation