College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

SUN Program

Welcome to our College of Education Self-care Initiative, informally called Self-care for U at Northridge, the SUN Program.

It is so wonderful that you are considering self-care as an important way to care for yourself and keep balance and health in your life. Self-care means taking responsibility for yourself to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle at work and in your personal world through individually determined, proactive activities. You are at your best when you attend to yourself in equal measure to others in day-to-day living! 

Self-Care News

Self-care at the movies

March 28, 2022


Can watching a movie be a beneficial type of self-care? A study conducted by researchers at University College London and Vue Cinema found that people who watched movies experienced improved mental focus and fixation towards the movie. This focused watching (according to the study) helps to improve cognition and memory.  And even better, movies provide us a window into what now is and what can be. Last weekend, the Oscars provided us with many great movies that give opportunities to empathize with others. The awards ceremony also provided first time examples of what we wish to always see-movies that celebrate deaf culture, honor women directors, and recognize excellence in diversity within the movie industry. Read more

Self-Care During Spring Break

March 21, 2022

Sun logo

This week is spring break and a time to relax, renew, and recover from the emotional and physical exhaustion that many of us are experiencing right now. If you are looking for new ways to engage in self-care, even if you are one of us who still must do some work, Ditch the Label Organization has identified “101 ways ultimate ways to chill out and reduce stress.” Read more

Self-Care: Benefits of mindfulness

March 14, 2022


Are you interested in discovering more about the benefits of mindfulness thinking? Mindfulness is the awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and remaining nonjudgmental. Mindfulness can be used in meditation, or simply practiced in everyday living. A 2012 American Psychological Association Monitor article has identified the empirically based benefits of mindfulness to include: reduced rumination; stress reduction; boosts in working memory; an increased ability to focus attention and suppress distracting information; less emotional reactivity; more cognitive flexibility; greater ability to respond well to relationship stress and the skill in communicating one's emotions to a partner; help with reducing psychological distress and fear. Read more

Self-Care: It's time to be revitalize!

March 7, 2022


It’s time for our college and our campus to REVITALIZE with the support of our new CSUN wellness resource website! CSUN Revitalize, ( connects students, faculty, staff, and our surrounding community partners with comprehensive resources that foster resilience, while also offering a space to process the impact of the pandemic in one user friendly location. Content includes direct links and announcements to numerous wellness events and activities, toolkits, clinical services, and other information to support our diverse community. Read more


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