University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Gracie Piar • Alton Marquette golf

A senior Cal State-Northridge commit, Piar is on a roll heading into this weekend’s Class 1A state tournament in Decatur. -- St. Luis Today

How Pandemic Life Mimicked Pioneer Times

American families’ response to the pandemic is a striking, though rare, example of this process of social change working in reverse. It also indicates the theory’s strength, says psychologist Yolanda Vasquez-Salgado of California State University, Northridge. “[Greenfield’s] theory can be used in nearly any country, context or era in our society,” Vasquez-Salgado says. -- Scientific American

How Big Tech Put Itself in the Middle of Hollywood's Biggest Labor Battle in Years

"One of the issues with streaming is there really isn't that natural second market there," Todd Holmes, assistant professor of entertainment media management at California State University, Northridge, said in a call with dot.LA. "So in terms of residuals, there's really not a structure set in place right now for people that are members of IATSE to get any kind of money, because a lot of these things are Netflix originals. That's a problem," Holmes added. -- dot.LA

CSU Northridge y colegios comunitarios reciben fondos para equidad y justicia racial

Al campus de la California State University (CSU) en Northridge y al Distrito de Colegios Comunitarios de Los Ángeles “LACCD) les tocará una buena tajada de los $30 millones de la Iniciativa de Equidad y Justicia Racial lanzada por la compañía Apple para apoyar a innovadores, estudiantes y organizaciones que trabajan por un mundo más justo. -- LA OPINIÓN (in Spanish)
