Seminar in Organizational Leadership

California State University, Northridge

MPA 632A
Summer  1999


"Glory Is Fleeting, but Obscurity Is Forever" 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)


Friday     8/13 & 8/27    2:00 pm - 9:00 pm                           Professor:    Matthew Cahn
Saturday 8/14 & 8/28    8:00 am - 5:00 pm                            Phone:         (818) 677-6518

Sunday   8/15 & 8/29    8:00 am -  noon                                Email: 


Seminar Description


AEffective public leaders act as catalysts who convene multiple stakeholder groups, facilitate and mediate agreements around tough issues, think systematically and strategically about sustainable actions.  They are passionate about reaching a particular outcome yet remain flexible and inclusive on specific strategies to reach the desired results (Luke leaf).@


This course will expose public managers to the evolving literature on public organizational leadership, and will explores several case studies in an effort to learn the lessons of both positive and negative leadership experiences.  Students are expected to complete the course readings in a timely manner, and to participate actively in class discussions, simulations, and written work.




Richard Loverd: Leadership for the Public Service (Prentice Hall, 1997)

David Chrislip & Carl Larson: Collaborative Leadership (Jossey-Bass, 1994)

Jeffrey Luke: Catalytic Leadership (Jossey-Bass, 1998)

Please complete the reading PRIOR to the weekend for which it is assigned!


Course Evaluation & Requirements

         Seminar Participation             50%                      Written Papers              50%

The course employs the traditional +/- grading system.  Requirements include readings,
            participation in working groups, discussion, and completion of written papers.  There are no
            midterms and there is no final exam.


Course  Outline 


Friday 8/13:                Technical Details (email exchange; contact lists; overview of syllabus)

Evolving Issues in Organizational Leadership

Theories of Organizational Leadership

Reading:  Loverd, chapters 1-2

Luke, chapters 1-9 (all)

Saturday 8/14:             Leadership as Facilitation

Criteria for Evaluating Effective Leadership


Sunday 8/15:               Case Studies in Leadership

Reading:  Loverd, chapters 3-15


Friday 8/27:                New Case Studies: Class Reports

Evaluate Cases

Oral and Written Case Study Reports Due


Saturday 8/28:             Collaborative Leadership

Reading: Chrislip & Larson (all)


Sunday 8/29:                Stakeholder Based Approaches: Moving Toward Consensus

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Matthew Cahn
Department of Political Science
California State University Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA  91330-8254
(818) 677-3488