University of Southern California

Political Science 600

Advanced Political Science Research Methods

Spring 1998

Matthew Cahn                                                                      VKC 213
Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 12:45 pm                                       Phone: TBA &
Office Hours: W 9:30 -10:00 am                                           (818) 677-4797
        & W 1:00 - 2:00 pm, & by appointment           email:


Seminar Description:  As a social science, political science endeavors to apply social scientific methodologies to social and political problems facing our society.  This seminar introduces students to data management and quantitative analysis.  Emphasis is placed on the procedures for identifying available data, managing large datasets, and data analysis using microcomputers and UNIX based mainframe systems.  The seminar emphasis will be on introducing students to handling complex data files with available statistical packages (e.g., SPSS).   Internet resources such as FTP, WWW, Telneting,  and Email will be included as appropriate.  All Students are expected to acquire a UNIX account (and email address) on the university system.


By the end of the course you will understand:

Internet Resources including: email, WWW, Telneting, & FTP;

Data Acquisition including: traditional sources (e.g., ICPSR), and evolving

sources (e.g., online sources);

Data Management including: building data files (datasets), defining data,

file transformation, coding and recoding data;

Data Analysis including: elementary social statistics, univariate analysis (e.g.,

frequencies, central tendency, variation), bivariate analysis (e.g.,

cross tabulations, basic correlation, comparing population means), and

multivariate analysis (e.g., regression, factor analysis); SPSS;

Required Reading

The Primer: The USC Guide to Network Tools and Resources

(USC Bookstore Publication)

Babbie:  The Practice of Social Research, 7th edition (Partial Use)

(Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Publishing, 1995)

Kinnear & Gray: SPSS For Windows Made Easy


Norusis: SPSS 6.1 For Windows Student Version (Optional)


APSA:  Style Guide for Political Science  ( DC:  APSA)


In addition, several articles will be distributed in class.

Course Requirements:          Seminar Participation                10%

Exercises                                  40%    

                                                Research Paper                        50%


Participation:  Participation means active and intelligent participation in seminar readings,

skills-based exercises, discussion, and activities.


Exercises:  Several exercises have been designed to help you develop skills in data collection, dataset management, and computer based quantitative analysis.  The exercises are not simply pedagogic puzzles, they correspond to specific components of your research project.  Exercises will be assigned in class. Collectively, the exercises are worth 40% of your final grade.


The Research Paper:  The Research Paper is the central focus of the course.  It functions as the foundation of the research process.  The Research Paper allows the researcher to conceptualize the project, assess the state of the disciplinary literature, and design the most appropriate methodology for data acquisition and analysis.  While POSC 500 focused on research design, POSC 600 focuses on data acquisition and analysis.  There are four central components of the Research Paper:  A clear and concise research question establishing the focus of the study; A critical review of the relevant disciplinary literature establishing what other scholars have offered on the research topic; The application of appropriate quantitative analysis to relevant data (e.g., hypothesis testing); and, a discussion of relevant conclusions.


The Research Paper should be written as an integrated paper utilizing the appropriate disciplinary protocols as outlined in the APSA Style Manual.  We will discuss this further in class.  The Research Paper is worth 50% of your final grade.


Semester Outline:

Please note that reading assignments are in bold and (parentheses).  Readings must be

done prior to class assigned.  Exercises will be discussed in class.


Week I (1/7): Introduction to Course

(The Primer: all)

- Why Quantitative Analysis?

- Plan of Semester

- Review 500



Week II (1/14):   Internet Resources

(Primer: all)

- Internet Introduction: email, gopher, WWW, telneting

** Get Unix Account: Email me at **


Week III (1/21):   Data Acquisition

(Babbie Appendix A, B; ICPSR Handouts)

-Types of Data: Raw Data, Datasets, Data Formats

- Traditional Sources: ICPSR   

- Online Data Searching

! Unix Search Vehicles

! Internet Searches

Telnet & FTP

World Wide Web


Week IV (1/28): Using SPSS for Data Management

(Kinnear and Gray  1-2)

- Introduction to SPSS

- Building Datasets (loading data)

- Importing Datasets


Week V (2/4): Defining & Coding Data

(Kinnear and Gray 3)

- Coding Data

- Defining Variables

- Defining Values

- Recoding Variables


Week VI (2/11): Using SPSS for Data Analysis

(Kinnear and Gray 4)

- SPSS for Data Analysis

- Exploring Data

- Displaying Data


Week VII (2/18):  Revisiting Social Statistics

(Babbie 14-15; Kinnear and Gray 5-6)

- Quantifying Data

- Introductory Social Statistics

- Descriptive Statistics

! Frequency Distributions

! Measurements of Central Tendency
! Variance

Week VIII (2/25):  Bivariate Analysis

(Babbie 17-18)

- Crosstabulations

- Correlation Analysis

- Comparing Population Means

Week IX (3/4): Multivariate Analysis

(Norusis 14-17; Kinnear and Gray 7, 11)

- One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

- Correlation, Multiple Correlation, Partial Correlation

Spring Break 3/9-14

Week X (3/18): Simple Regression

(Norusis 18-19; Kinnear and Gray 12)

- Regression


Week XI (3/25): Multiple Regression

(Norusis 20-21; Beck: all)

-Multiple Regression


Week XII (4/1): Factor Analysis

(Handout: Kachigan on Factor Analysis; Kinnear and Gray 15)

- Factor Analysis


Week XIII (4/8): Reporting the Data in the Research Paper

(APSA: all; Norusis 22-27)

- Reporting Data

- Academic Writing

- Components of the Research Paper

! Abstract (Executive Summary)

! Introduction

! The Research Question

! Literature Review

! Blueprint for Research Methodology

-statement of hypotheses

-variable list

-discussion of how data will be acquired

! Data Summary

! Data Analysis                                   

! Conclusions & Further Research

! Appendices

! Notes

! References


Week XIV (4/15):   Lab Time for Trouble Shooting

- Open Lab for Trouble Shooting

- Displaying Data for Final Paper Construction


Week XV (4/22): Final Class

- Present Research & Final Discussion


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Matthew Cahn
Department of Political Science
California State University Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA  91330-8254
(818) 677-3488