Return to SED 619
(1) Establish your website
- Set up your website in your CSUN account (CSUN info) or with another webhost
- Use clear and logical directory structure for the entire web site.
- Demonstrate understanding of html and proper use of HTML tags
- Develop a help page, glossary or index for your website. You may download the template.
(2) Include substantial unique content.
- files as pdfs such as graph paper, state standards, etc.
- Word documents that include graphics, tables and other publishing features.
- Excel spreadsheets (xls) that you can use in your curriculum
- Powerpoint presentations (ppt) that you can use in your curriculum
- Other document types for use by your students
- Google Docs.
- Include concept maps to aid your instruction. Make webpages from your Inspiration files (save as html).
(3) Templates
- Establish a template for your website
- Include a banners in your header
- Make certain your site meets accessibility requirements
(4) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Develop a cascading style sheet (css) to format your web site.
- Create or amend web sites using the html tags.
- Include a link to your style sheet directory
- Tables
- Create rollover images and fireworks html - Download sample graphics to make rollovers
- Create image swaps - Download files for making sample swaps (North San Fernando Valley)
- Incorporate 2 or more Spry resources
(6) Graphics / Asset libraries
- Develop photo albums of your own photos for a topic related to your curriculum. You can practice with these sample files.
- Develop an asset library.(colors, links, Flash, movies, graphics, etc.) There should be no more than one copy of each image, movie, or other library asset. Create it once, and link to it as many times as necessary
- Your website should include graphics edited in Fireworks or a similar program
- Include one or more navigable image maps in your web site. For instructions, go to the sample image map page.
(7) Embedded Resources
- Embed one or more dynamic maps in your website.
- Include maps with links to your photos and comments (annotated maps).
- Embed a web-based calendar with key information. e
- Include web-based poll//survey.
(8) Collaborative Resources
- Include a blog using a blogger.
- Include a Wiki on you site or some adaptation as directed by your instructor, or include a link to a Wiki user page, or a page showing the changes you made in a wiki.
- You map should be annotated and may be a collaborative map.
- Include a Drop Box which is set up to collect student work
(9) Viewer Statistics
- Add a counter (view rank)
- Add viewer statistics using a resource such as Statcounter.
- Add a sophisticated analytic tool such as GoogleAnalytics.
- Include a site specific search engine such as freefind or Google. (Sample)
(10) Multimedia
- Include on your web site examples of music and/or speech files. Click here for samples.
- Embed three or more educational videos that you found on the Internet.
- Include on your web site a speech or music recording or your own
- Make your own video and post it on your website. You can either make your movie directly on the computer, or copy it from a video tape. It may be easiest to make a personal introduction, blending movies and sounds.
- Develop one or more PowerPoint presentations with at least 15 slides.
- Post your PowerPoint(s) as a webpage (save as webpage/html)