Petty Cash Reimbursement
- When to use this form:
o To reimburse a CSUN employee for purchases made on behalf of the University
- When NOT to use this form:
o Invoices from vendors
o Payments for services to employees or independent contractors
o Loans and advances o Entertainment and gifts
o Items for personal use
- Who must approve:
o Financial Approver must be the person authorized to sign for the Fund/DeptID listed on the form
o If the reimbursement is for the person authorized to sign for the Fund/DeptID, a different Financial Approver for the Fund/DeptID must sign as “Financial Approver”
- What to bring:
o Original form
o Original receipts/invoices to be reimbursed (The receipts/invoices must have the vendor’s name and be itemized or have a detailed description of the item)
o Justification for purchase (Attach backup such as: event flyers, attendance list, authorization emails,….)
- When to bring this form:
o Walk-Ins are subject to availability and UCS counter hours.
o To insure availability email your request in advance to to arrange a pick-up time. Subject Line: “Petty Cash Reimbursement – Department Name”
o After receiving confirmation email, bring form, receipts, back-up documentation, and CSUN ID to University Cash Services, Bayramian Hall (BH 100R)
- Expenses of up to $ 50.00, incurred under emergency circumstances, must be submitted for reimbursement within thirty (30) days from the purchase date.
o Receipts older than 30 days will not be honored
o Forms, receipts and/or invoices should be submitted by the employee requesting the reimbursement
- Receipts from an employee currently holding a P-Card will be denied reimbursement, unless the vendor does not accept credit cards or the vendor charges a fee to use the P-Card.
- Receipts that provide expenses that promote CSUN to the public must fill out the Hospitality Justification Form prior to submission.