Aquatic Center at Castaic Lake

Founded in 1976, the CSUN, California State University Northridge, Aquatic Center has become well known throughout the community—and, in fact, the nation—for its excellence in boating and water safety education. The center, which is located at Castaic Lake Recreation Area in the scenic foothills of the Santa Clarita Valley, is one of the largest boating education centers in southern California, serving in upward of 5,000 individuals through its credit, non-credit and community service programs each year. From students to community groups to at-risk youth, we truly offer something for everyone! Learn more about our programs by clicking the images below-


Group of Sailors posing for a photo wearing life jackets

CSUN Aquatic Programs

Aquatic Programming includes RTM courses, various student groups, faculty retreats, and more.

Group photo of RTM students with a sailboat off to they're side

Field Trips

Schools ranging from elementary to high schools participate in various STEM and challenge-based field trips.

People getting on sail boats and helpers keeping watch

Summer Programs

We partner with DBW to engage local camps, recreation centers and youth organizations in safe boating practices.

A group of sailers are posing for a photo in front of a sailboat

Scouting Programs

Merit badge opportunities focused in safety, instruction, and practice while boating are offered to local Scout troops.

Alumni group posing for a photo minutes after graduation

Help Everybody

Donations, Volunteering, and Employment Opportunities.

Explore Aquatic Center Education Program Grant

The mission of DBW is to provide safe and convenient public access to California's waterways and leadership in promoting the public's right to safe, enjoyable and environmentally sound recreational boating.

As part of its mission, DBW manages the Aquatic Center Grant Program to enhance boaters’ knowledge of boating laws, practical handling of vessels on the water, weather and water conditions, rules of the road, equipment requirements and environmental stewardship.

Funding is provided to organizations that offer on-the-water training to the general public that includes all of the above-mentioned topics.

Aquatic Center

Recreation and Tourism Management

32132 Castaic Lake Drive
Castaic, CA, 91384

  • Phone: (818) 677-4723

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