Project CREATE

Frequently Asked Questions

 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the Project CREATE?
  • Accepted into the ECSE preliminary credential program or Senior in the CADV program with a commitment to apply for CSUN ECSE preliminary credential program in one year
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Commitment to fulfill a service obligation following the completion of their program. The service obligation entails working in a professional capacity with young children with disabilities for two years for every year of funding.
  1. How long does the program take?

Project CREATE, by design, is a two-year program that includes one summer session

  1. Can I apply to start in Spring semester?

No. Project CREATE is cohort-based. Each cohort starts in Fall session.

  1. Can I work and participate in Project CREATE?

You could keep your job and participate in Project CREATE until the semester you do student teaching. Student teaching is 16 weeks, full-time, field work experiences.

  1. Is physical residency required during the program?

Physical residency is required. There is not an online option.