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37th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

Special Events

Featured Presentations

We are excited to have several featured presentations to begin your conference day this year. Featured presentations will take place in Platinum 6, begin at 8:00 AM, and conclude at 9:00 AM on their respective day

For those who cannot join us for the featured presentations, they will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

Wednesday, March 16 - Using the WebAIM Million and User Surveys Data to Inform Your Inclusion Efforts

Wednesday Featured Presentation on YouTube

Data can help inform web accessibility efforts, but useful data is in short supply. WebAIM conducts an annual analysis of the home pages of the top one million web sites, as well as regular surveys of users with disabilities. An overview of the most recent findings will be shared with guidance on how these data can be used to improve inclusion of your digital resources.

Jared Smith

Jared is the Associate Director of WebAIM. He is a highly demanded presenter and trainer and has provided web accessibility training to tens of thousands of web professionals throughout the world. With over 20 years of experience working in the web design, development, and accessibility field, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that is used to help others create and maintain highly accessible web content. Much of his written work, including a broad range of tutorials, articles, and other materials, is featured on the WebAIM site.

Thursday, March 17 - Accessibility is a Civil Right: The 2022 CSUN Digital Accessibility Legal Update

Thursday Featured Presentation on YouTube

Digital accessibility is a civil right of people with disabilities. The law in the United States, and increasingly around the world, provides a strong framework supporting digital inclusion for disabled people in the public and private sectors, in education, and throughout society. Join Lainey Feingold for a fast-paced overview of what is happening in the legal space — the good and the not so good. Whatever your role in the accessibility world, this session will help you "put the law in your pocket" to protect and advance the rights of disabled people to participate in the digital world.

Lainey Feingold

Lainey Feingold is a disability rights lawyer, an international speaker, and the author of Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits. (Second edition 2021). Structured Negotiation is a collaborative dispute resolution process with a twenty-five-year track record in resolving complex accessible technology claims without the expense and conflict of traditional litigation. Lainey also works with Disability:IN, a leading business global disability inclusion non-profit organization. She has been named a Legal Rebel and Problem Solver of the Year by the American Bar Association and has twice been recognized as a California Lawyer of the Year for her digital accessibility and Structured Negotiation work.

Friday, March 18 - Disability Through a Whole New Lens - Reframing Disability in Media

Friday Featured Presentation

Media has the power to shatter myths or reinforce stereotypes about people with disabilities.  With the democratization of the Web, barriers to entry are fading, disability-savvy technology companies are creating content for streaming, gaming and entertainment, along with tools to create accessible content.  Where do aspiring media professionals with disabilities fit into this equation?  How do you best convey your disability-savvy brand in advertising, products, and messaging across social media and broadcast platforms?  Discover creative talent with disabilities in front of and behind the camera/keyboard through the Lights! Camera! Access! (LCA) Career Incubator Initiative, and ADA Lead On Productions Disability Talent Pipeline.

Danny Woodburn

Danny (Seinfeld, Watchmen) is a celebrated actor with more than 150 TV appearances and 30 films to date, renowned for his work in disability activism.  For the last 25 years he has helped lead the changes happening in the industry.

Tari Hartman Squire

Tari is the CEO of EIN SOF Communications, an Award-winning disability-inclusive diversity production, employment, and strategic marketing firm.  Founded Media Access Office and Lights! Camera! Access! (LCA) to increase disability employment and improve portrayals.  Consulted on hundreds of TV/films, advertising, marketing campaigns and focus groups.

Lunchtime Screening

Thursday, March 17 - 12:00 PM - Platinum 6

Feeling Through - Screening and Q&A

Join us for a lunchtime screening of the short film Feeling Through, nominated for the 2021 Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film. It is the first film to star a Deafblind actor in a lead role. After the screening, writer/director Doug Roland will talk about making the film and the inclusion of people with disabilities both in front and behind the camera.

Social Events

Join us throughout the week for some fun & safe opportunities to socialize and network with fellow attendees.

Monday, March 14 – 5:30 PM – Platinum Patio
Kick-Off Happy Hour
Tuesday, March 15 – 7:00 PM – Platinum Foyer
Welcome Reception
Wednesday, March 16 – 7:00 PM – Platinum 6
Thursday, March 17 – 7:00 PM – Platinum 6