(1) Evaluating Internet Resources
Most of what is posted on the Internet has never been subjected to the rigors of peer review common with many traditional publications. Students must learn to evaluate the reliability of information of the websites they visit.
- Provide links to three websites (see examples) that provide information about a single topic related to your curriculum.
- Compare the reliabiltiy of the sites using appropriate evaluation criteria.
(2) Electronic References
Since we live in the Information Age, it is particularly important that teachers are able to access and evaluate information to prepare accurate, up-to-date lessons, and to teach their students the principles of electronic research. In this activity you will examine a variety of electronic references in your quest to acquire information for lessons or other professional activities.
- Identify two topics (see examples) to research using electronic references (broadcast news, almanacs, quotations, etc.). Research the first topic using at least one resource from each of five categories of electronic resources. Repeat the process with the second topic, using references from five additional categories.
Categories of electronic resources
- On your assignment page:
- Provide links to the resource
- Summarize key information acquired, including screen captures or graphics as necessary.
- Identify the special features (e.g. hypertext linking of terms, Boolean search capabilities, archival search, knowledge tree, downloadable movies, online audio transcripts, animations, translations, reference lists, printer-friendly output, multimedia links, PDA or bookreader download, visible directory structure, etc.) of each of the reference tools you have used.
- List criteria for determining the authenticity of information on a website.
- Compare and contrast electronic references with their traditional
paper counterparts. Discuss at least ten tasks
or features that are possible with electronic resources that
are not possible with traditional paper resources.
- Develop a lesson plan that incorporates electronic references. Your lesson plan should require students to use two or more electronic references to address a specific curricular objective.
(3) Educational Research
Teachers should be familiar with research related to the teaching of their discipline. The Educational Research Database (ERIC) and Scholar provides access to abstracts from numerous educational publications, and is the best place to start when conducting educational research.
- Find two or more full text articles and two or more abstracts of recent, relevant research related to the use of technology in the teaching of your subject. Include the text in your electronic portfolio. Summarize implications for the teaching of your subject. Cite the articles using APA format, using an automatic citation manager if possible.
(4) Multimedia teaching resources
At many libraries, teachers can obtain cards which give them special privileges as educators, including the ability to check our more resources and keep them longer. Teachers can check out books, CDs, DVDs and and videos.
- Find a video related to the teaching of your course in the Los Angeles Public Library System (or other public library system), CSUN main library, or the CSUN Teacher Curriculum Center, or online service.
- Skim the video and write a synopsis of the video and a description of how you would use it in your classroom.
- Include three questions from a published study guide, or make your own study guide.