Website - Electronic Portfolio (≈80% of grade)
Website Setup
- Open a Google Account, and add a photo to your Google profile.
- Develop a website for your portfolio using Google Sites.
- Put the URL of your website in the class database
Website Requirements
- Complete all tasks - Copy the text of each assignment into your website. Each assignment should appear as a separate page and be accessible from your Assignments link. Present all of your work using a different color font. .
- Provide thoughtful, thorough answers - Answer all questions completely, thoughtfully and in your own words. Note: This is a part where many students loose points, simply because their answers are too casual or brief.
- Documentation - Document all assignments with screen captures or links to files you have made . Make sure your screen captures are readable.
- Professional Appearance - Your website should appear professional and be easy to read.
- Editorial Work - Make editorial suggestions on each assignment. Respond to each of your editor's suggestions in writing at the bottom of the assignment page.
Participation / Editing (≈20% of grade)
Participation in Class
- Participate in all class sessions. Register your attendance at each class session.
- Make contributions to class discussions and online discussions
- Participate in all synchronous and asynchronous class sessions.
Assist your Colleagues
- Provide assistance to those students who are sitting next to you.
- Serve as the editor for one of your colleagues in the class. Provide regular, thoughtful contributions to the blog associated with their website.
Editorial Responsibilities
The editor is required to make multiple comments in the "comments" section on each assignment page. Your comments are a significant portion of your final grade. Please review your colleague's work carefully and make suggestions for improvement. Failure to provide sufficient editorial comments will result in a reduction in your grade.
Please note any:
- incomplete or missing assignments
- unanswered, incomplete, or inaccurate answers to questions
- improper formatting
- broken links
- errors in grammar, syntax, etc.
Please provide suggestions for:
- more efficient navigation
- enhanced appearance
- clearer examples
- additional examples
- better photos, screen shots, movies, and visuals
Provide a link to your partner's assignment page so one can quickly review your editorial comments