Root words
- One Look: look up examples where prefixes, suffixes, and roots are used. Use an asterisk (*) for a wild card. Thus *ion searches for all words with the ion suffix, while micro* searches for all words with the micro prefix
- Word Info - Meanings of roots
- Merriam Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
- American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- WordSmyth: Educational English Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Dictionary.com: Simple, efficient dictionary.
- YourDictionary.com: A web of on-line dictionaries in various languages
- One Look:
Etymology & Cognates
- History of the English Language
- Etymology online: Understand the history of words
- Cognates: Understand the historical relationship between English and other languages.
- Behind the Name: Learn the etymology of names
- Foreign Roots of English Language: Story showing common words from 32 languages.
Multilingual dictionaries
- Multilingual dictionary: See a word in many languages
- Logos: See the same word translated in many languages
- On-line Dictionaries in a variety of languages.
Understanding Words
- Acronymfinder: Determine the meaning of acronyms
- Roget's Thesaurus: Related words and concepts.
- Translation: Translate words and phrases into different languages
- History of English Language: Understand the relationship of English to other languages