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Text onlystern Dr. Lundblad Accounting All Stars Accounting 351




Revenue Recognition last updated January 22, 2010


Related Articles:



  1. Phillips, T. J., Luehlfing, M. S., Daily, C. M. The Right Way to Recognize Revenue , Journal of Accountency, June 2001, 39 - 46
  2. Levitt, A . "THE NUMBERS GAME" (Speech, 10/28,1998)
  3. Author, New Rule to Hit Revenues. Electronic News(1991), March 30,1998 v44 n2212 p54(1)
  4. Wipperfurth, H. "Hot Air Accounting", Forbes (May 5, 1997)
  5. Morgenson, G. "Pie in the Sky", Forbes (December 16, 1996)
  6. Compare the revenue recognition methods of Microsoft and Systemsoft as described in the following two articles. How do they differ and why do you think they are different? Fox, J. "Learn to Play the Earnings Game (and Wall Street Will Love You)". Fortune (March 31, 1997)
  7. Foroohar, K., "Accounting A-Go-Go", Forbes (February 10, 1997)
  8. Greenberg, Herb. "Shipping Bricks and Other Tricks", Fortune (September 29, 1997




Rev2.xls:                  At the point of sale; b. during production; c. proportionate performance; d. after cash is collected:

Construction.xls:      Long term construction contracts: a. profitable; b. loss during one period, but overall profit; c. overall loss:

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NR.xls:                   "Interest free" Notes receivable. glassLess than one year, more than one year, with and without periodic payments. How to determine the correct amount of revenue

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Revenue recognition is one of the most important subjects in financial reporting. It is directly related to the following accounting principles and constraints: Recognition; realization; matching; periodicity; conservatism; relevance and reliability. In examining the alternative revenue recognition methods, think about how they are affected by the principles and constraints discussed above. An important issue in deciding when to recognize revenue is the "completion of the earnings process"

The earnings process is considered to be completed when the following criteria have been met:

  1. All costs have been incurred, or, any future remaining costs are minor and can be estimated (i.e., warranties)
  2. An exchange has occurred (title to goods has been transferred; services have been performed)
  3. Cash has been received, or, receipt of cash is reasonably certain. (I.e., uncollectible account expense can be estimated and is minor) Note that in some exceptional situations items (b) and (c) may not have actually occurred, but are virtually certain. In that case revenue may be recognized after virtually all costs have been occurred. This applies essentially to

Commodity sales under government price support schemes (wheat for example) or
Production and sale of strategic minerals that can only be sold to the government for predetermined, guaranteed prices. (Think plutonium!)

Examine the various revenue recognition methods in relation to the "completion of the earnings process" criteria.

Find the footnote in which the companies linked below describe their revenue recognition methods. Compare the different methods described and try to relate them to the revenue recognition methods and criteria discussed above and in the textbook. Compare the revenue recognition methods, try to understand why they may be different


Microsoft Systemsoft DuPont IBM Boeing

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Review Quizzes -

Note these are pretty old quizzes, but they may still be somewhat helpful for practice purposes

Review quiz1  | Review quiz2

A new Resource that may be helpful to some of you: http://www.studymyaccounting.com/


Information for Exams:

Download the critical thinking rubric (for cases)


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Email: heidemarie.lundblad@csun.edu - Notice: I do not read or answer email from unidentified sources.

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