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Salaries By Major and Occupation: Introduction

A person's income is determined in large part by their own talents, and skills, as well as their education. One important determinant of income is the choice of major field of study. If nothing else, a student's choice of major affects which industry is likely to be interested in hiring him/her after graduation. This web-site is designed to help students understand the implications of selecting their major field of study on their future career.

We have devised two methods of approaching the question. In the first, you specify a favorite major and examine the occupations that previous students from that major have entered. In the second, you specify a favorite occupation and examine the majors that have previously placed people in that job-group. For both methods, we will examine salary and employment prospects.

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The data come from the National Science Foundation's "1993 National Survey of College Graduates." In that survey 214,643 people with a baccalaureate-or-higher college degree at the time of the 1990 census were re-interviewed and asked questions concerning their field of study, occupation, income and other related information.


Prepared by Prof. Kenneth S. Chapman:  kenneth.chapman@csun.edu