[ Introduction | Salary by Major | Salary by Occupation | Comments ]

Helpful Hints

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Using appropriate caution when interpreting average salary numbers

Mean vs. Median

When picking a measure of what the "average" or typical worker earns ( central limit tendency), statisticians generally have two choices: the mean or the median.

Computed much like your GPA, the mean is just the average; It is computed by summing up all the numbers in the data set, and dividing by the number of observations.

The median is the number at which 50% of the observations lie below, and 50% of the observations lie above.

For this study, we have chosen to use to median rather than the mean, due to the fact that the median is less influenced by here for a numerical example.

Be careful when the number of observations is small

Issues for interpreting the percentage of majors

Interpreting the occupational descriptions

Interpreting the field descriptions

What is a histogram?

Prepared by Marlin Koch and Prof. Ken Chapman: vcecn00a@csun.edu