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Chapter 13 Translation Practice Answers

1. Slæpþ he næfre.
He never sleeps.
[Remember that word order is more flexible in Old English than in Modern English.]

2. Sum mann feoll on ise.
A certain man fell on ice.
[“ise” is dative because it is a location. The man slipped while on the ice; he didn’t fall on to it, or “ise” would be in the accusative case – contrast with sentence 5 below .]

3. Ða hie þider comon.
Then they came thither (to that place).

4. Se kyng geaf gryþ Olafe.
The king gave quarter (mercy) to Olaf.

5. And he astah on heofonas.
And he rose into the heavens.
[“on heofonas” is accusative because the subject is moving – contrast to sentence 2 above.]

6. He eft gebete.
He repented afterwards.

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