Welcome to the EED 681 Computer Lab for Sessions 12 - 14!


                Over the next three sessions we will be working collaboratively to bring together the theories, ideas, tools and strategies for improving classroom management and enhancing student discipline.  Here, we will have access to the Internet and CSUN online library where we can obtain the resources needed to design interventions and models for creating inclusive and supportive classroom environments for all students.  We will also take advantage of the technology to view sample Webquests and engage in a simulated web-supported cooperative lesson.


Things we will be working on . . .

Research for Project Ideas

Links and Strategies for Project

Classroom Management Plan


 Resources we can check out . . . .

Internet Links

Print - books and articles

Media -  videotapes, online video

Links to similar student presentations

 Rubrics and Assessments that will guide us

Classroom Plan Rubric


Collaborative Group Project



Project Ideas

 Strategies to Promote Positive Discipline


 Promote Brain-Compatible Classroom Strategies

  • Multiple intelligence inventories and lessons
  • Cooperative learning tools
  • Authentic assessments of social skills and intelligent behaviors
  Designing Classroom Communities that help:

Students who don't care

Students who make trouble with their peers

Students who dominate the whole group

Students with special needs

Students with poor social skills

Students who are under the radar

Students who don't speak English