


Topic/Content of Session


(Due the following Session)

1   JAN 21

Multicultural Bingo (Warm Up)

Introductions; Overview of Course;

Course Tools

Agree/Disagree on Classroom Communication and Management

Activity: Society, Families and Children in the 21st Century

Keniston Article Introduction

Small Group jigsaw assignment analyzing article and preparing to gather current statistics


Session Log

 Do Americans Really Like Children Yet??

  Work with your group members using WebCT tools and prepare to post the current statistics you located using the Keniston article template.


  Review all course materials including syllabus and agenda.

2     JAN 28

No Class

Dr. Belgrad Furlough Day

MEET Groups for ONLINE CLASS SESSION (Asynchronous)

Meet your group members online and combine all the current statistics located for your group's part of the Do Americans Really Like Children--Yet? assignment.


Email Dr. Belgrad any questions you may have after review of Course Requirements, Assessment, Syllabus; 

Post your Double Entry Journal in the Discussion Board of WebCT


Session Log

Post a reflection on what groups shared on WebCT Discussion Board

 If you have not already done, so, sign up to receive the bi-monthly literature from the ASCD Whole Child Initiative

Follow this link to the article by Eric Jensen



Reflective Journal Entry
   Write two responses to the article.


3      FEB 4

Share reflective journal responses

IALAC  (Warm Up)

Complete Activity1: Society, Families and Children in the 21st Century
Group Presentations of Do Americans Really Like Children--Yet?

Activity 2:  Preparing to create positive classroom climates that teach students how to use appropriate social skills

Instructor PresentationThe Whole Child Campaign and Student  Engagement in Learning 

On being a motivated teacher that promotes motivation....

Think-Pair-Share on Jensen Article;

Session Log


Read Burke Text- Chapters 1-3
 Complete your own thinking at right angles (p.61) on classroom climate.

Copy and Complete Burke Assignments 1-5
    (pp. 71-88)

Refresh your knowledge about the work of Erikson and Maslow.

Reflective Journal Entry

      1. Reflect on a strategy we used today and why we used it. OR  
2. Reflect on a conversation you had on discipline which triggers your thinking.

4     FEB 11

Sharing/Review  (Journal Entries)

T-Chart on empathy (Warm Up)


Instructor Presentation - Social Skill Development and Erikson's Stages of Development

Cooperative Group Activity on Burke Reading--preparing to create positive classrooms  We will be using the cooperative learning template from the Burke book (page 144).

Discuss/review peer completion of  Burke Assignments


Session Log

Read:  Burke Chapters 4,& 5

                 Charles, Chapters 1 and 2 
Copy and Complete Burke Assignments
    #1 & 2  p.100-102        #3 & 4 p. 120,130

These assignments will become part of your Classroom Communication Plan that you will create at the end of the course.

Select a personal family/cultural artifact that you treasure as symbolic of you and your family. Remember to bring it to class for the Culture Circle Activity.

Reflective Journal Entry
 Explain if/ how your thinking about discipline is different following your assigned readings.

 Locate a research study that supports the topic your small group presented this evening (ex:  how cooperative learning promotes an inclusive community in the classroom).



5  FEB 18

Sharing/Review of  Journals;

 Culture Circle  (Warm Up)

Discussion of Burke Chapter/Assignment

Discussion of Charles Chs 1 & 2

Instructor Presentation Inspire to Aspire

 Instead of Session Log tonight, Complete Assignment #8  p. 143

Read Charles :

l      Chapter 3 - Neurological Challenges

l      Chapter 4 - Pioneers of Classroom Discipline

l      Chapter 5 - Bridges to 21st Century Practices

 Reflective Journal Entry

Be prepared to contrast traditional models of discipline with the goal of creating student-centered classroom communities


6     FEB 25

Sharing/Review of Journals

Classroom  Meeting (Warm Up) (greetings)

 Class Debate:

Working with vs. Doing to Students


Session Log

  Read:  Burke Chapters 6 & 7

  Select and apply two strategies and reflect on the classroom outcomes you obtain

◘  Review the Rubric for classroom communication  plan that we will be working on the latter half of the course.

1 Reflective Journal Entry

7      MAR 4

Sharing/Review of  Journals

Classroom  Meeting (Warm Up)

Circle of Power and Respect

Debate continued (all will have the opportunity to compare the theoretical strategies  they would like to use and



Discuss-  strategies presented in Burke Reading


Discussion of the Rubric for classroom communication  plan that we will be working on the latter half of the course.


Session Log

Sharing/Review of Double Entry Journals

Read  Burke Chapter 8 &  Epilogue

 Charles, Chapter 9 - 11

What Does Your Gratitude Meter Read?

1 Reflective Journal Entry


8     MAR 11

 Sharing/Review of Journals;


Instructor Presentation:

Inspire to Aspire 


Communication with parents: Some basic things to keep in mind




 Read Kohn (entire book)

Complete your  Agree/Disagree Organizer  on the selected chapter of Kohn reading.

Go to WebCT for instructions on the second online class meeting next week.


10   MAR 18

No Class

Dr. Belgrad Furlough Day

MEET Groups for ONLINE CLASS SESSION (Asynchronous)

Meet your group members online and

post each member's completed Agree/Disagree Organizer  on the Kohn reading.

(select at least six statements with which you agree and at least four with which you disagree)

 Charles, Chapter 6 -8

1 Reflective Journal Entry

 they would promote students' progress along the psycho-social development stages


 Review Burke and complete your own version of the strategies shown on pages 201, 207, 212 245, 264 AND your choice of any one of the Assessments.

Here is a link you will enjoy reading:

All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

11 MAR 25

Sharing/Review of Journals;

Agree Disagree Conclusion of Online Group Activity

Form research groups on classroom communication to plan project ideas on a variety of approaches to Creating a Caring Community in the Classroom/School

◘  Reflections on five selected entry for Final Portfolio  Procedures

  See Artifact Selection Form

◘  Complete the Self Assessment of your progress in the course

See Graphic Organizer Pictures


11  APR 1




Sharing/Review of Portfolios with reflections on evidence of meeting course objectives

Bridging Snapshots of your completion of strategies from the last  3 chapters of What to Do with the Kid Who.

Brainstorm on topics for collaborative research project.

Review the  requirements for the upcoming collaborative research project- Rubric for Group Performance


Begin to  of assemble the elements your plan of action for creating community and optimal student social/emotional development in your classroom next year through the  Classroom Communication Plan





April 5-10



11    APR 15


Review requirements for final two projects--Individual Classroom Communication Plan; Group Research Project




  Meet with groups to continue plan for projects.

  Work on classroom communication plan

12    APR  22



Class time to work on your Group Research Project


 Meet (online if needed) with groups to continue plan for presentations

Classroom Communication Plans are Due Next Session

◘  Complete Self Assessment Rubrics

13    APR 27


Group Presentations

Classroom Communication Plan is Due


Self Assessment of Course Performance




15    MAY 6

 Group Presentations;

Agree/Disagree on Classroom Communication and Management;

  Concluding Comments


Have a Great Summer!