Links to Useful Materials
Access Useful Web sites and Policy Links HERE.
Integrating RIAP Materials into Your Instruction
English/ Language Arts Standards
Selected Content Standards that Link to Literacy (Mira)
Links to Instructional Materials:
About The Assignment Template (Ximena)
The Assignment Template
The Assignment Template ver. 1.1 (Annotated by Kathy)
The Blank Template
The 9th and 10th grade Template
Module Planner
College Access Study:
Graphic Overview
PowerPoint: Graphic of CAS Steps
CAS-Step 1: Demographics
Student Questionaire
Student Questionaire Summary
Permission Letter
Spanish Permission Letter
Student Pre Survey
Student Post Survey
Continuum of Leadership Activities
CAS Review Form
CAHSEE Pre-and Post Materials (Grades 9 and 10)
CAHSEE Pre-Test Answer Sheet
CAHSEE Pre-Test Answer Key and Summary
CAHSEE Post-Test
CAHSEE Post-Test Answer Sheet
CAHSEE Post-Test Answer Key and Summary
CAHSEE Pre-and Post-Test Comparison
CASHEE Essay Packet
RCST MAterials (Grades 11 and 12)
Definitions: Skill Types
RCST Pre-Test
RCST Pre-Test Answer Key
RCST Pre-Test Rationales
RCST Pre-Test Skills Analysis
RCST Post-Test
RCST Post-Test Answer Key
RCST Post-Test Rationales
RCST Post-Test Skills Analysis
RCST Pre-and Post Test Analysis Comparison
Institute Presentations:
Orientation 2009 (Kathy)
Reading Rhetorically, Writing Rhetorically: Theoretical Foundations (Kent)
Writing as a Tool for Thinking and Learning (Kathy)
Academic Literacy (Kent)
The Rhetoric of the Op-Ed Page (Kathy)
Reading as Recreation (Anush)
Reading Comprehension in Mathematics (Farah)
Better Learning through Structured Teaching (Doug Fisher)
Teaching Vocabulary (Kathy)
Reading Rhetorically, Writing Rhetorically (Kathy)
Assignment Design and Writing on Demand (Kathy)
Teaching Writing (Kathy)
October 4th PPT
SDAIE Presentation (Ximena)
Street et. al. "The Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC): Preparing all Students for College and Career"
A Text-Based Grammar for Expository Writing PPT presentation (Kathy)
Don't Miss These:
English Success: This Web site furnishes information on, and practice for, the Early Assessment Program's English Placement Test (EPT), as well as admission and registration information for the 23 CSU campuses. the site includes captioned videos and online EPT practice essays. This application, known as the Calibrated Peer Review relies on retired EPT prompts and the EPT scoring rubric to help students improve their expository writing skills.
The Online Community: This site is password protected and for EAP-trained faculty only. The site contains all 14 original modules (which will be updated to the newest versions shortly), chat rooms, discussion boards for each module, important EAP announcements, and other EAP-related information.
The EAP Test Results for schools. How ready are the graduates from your school for the CSU? Find out here.
EAP Status Check. This site allows students who took one or more EAP tests and released their results to the CSU to check their scores. After logging in, students receive math nd English results along with customized advice to hrlp thrm fulfill the ELM and EPT requirements. The site includes a test account that teachers can use to demonstrate the site to students. Follow these directions:
Log into the box on the right with the username eapstudent and the password eaptest.
Enter the following information:
First name: EAP
Last name: Student
Home Address: 112EAP Street
Home Zip Code: 11111
Birth Date: 1/1/1979
High School: Los Alamitos High School, Los Alamitos
Focus on English: Download the complete preparation booklet for the English Placement Test, including samples of each type of question, the scoring guide for the essay, an explanation of the subscores and total score, and additional tipics for practice essays.
The CSU Bakersfield RIAP Web Site: This site furnishes information and encuorages conversations in three areas: (10 Lesson plans based on RIAP strategies, (2) EAP modules written by teachers, and (3) comprehensive Literacy Plans developed for schools in the Kern High School District.