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The Reading Institute for Academic Preparation @ Cal State Northridge

"For high school graduates, gaining admission to college is seen as their most daunting challenge. It is not. The more difficult challenge is to be prepared academically for college-credit coursework."
-Patrick M. Callan and Michael W. Krist. "Righting a Troublesome Discourse"


RIAP 2009-2010


History of RIAP


Calendar of Events


ELA Standards


Contact Us

The RIAP Goals


The Reading Institute participants will work together to prepare high school students to:

  • Achieve a level on the joint California Standards Test and CSU Early Assessment that would exempt the student from the English Placement Test or
  • Use their senior year to attain proficiency in reading and writing (if identified by the EAP as non-exempt); or
  • Demonstrate proficiency on the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) by scoring above 150 with no need for future reading and writing remediation.
  • Reading Institutes will support university/school teams to:

  • Implement research-based diagnostic assessment and instructional practices;
  • Improve the reading and writing of all high school students;
  • Focus on reading informational text and analytical writing;
  • Utilize the assignment template designed for the Expository Reading and Writing Course to organize literacy instruction in content area courses;
  • Adopt the Expository Reading and Writing Course in eleventh or twelfth grade English courses or integrate modules from the course within existing English courses; and
  • Provide leadership for the Early Assessment Program at school sites and districts.

    Institute participants will:

  • Understand and implement standards-based approaches to improve academic literacy;
  • Use case studies (College Access Study) and other forms of assessment to monitor student improvement in critical reading and writing skills;
  • Expand their repertoire of teaching strategies to match the academic learning strengths and needs of college-eligible students; and
  • Collaborate with school teams/colleagues to plan and implement effective assessment and instructional strategies, including the use of the assignment template and course modules designed for the Expository Reading and Writing Course.