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Course of Study Schedule for 2000 Cohort Group

The Course of Study for the 2000 Cohort Group is organized into three Sessions of 8 to 13 months’ duration each.  Within a Session, there are clusters of individual courses or clinical practica that must be accomplished by the students during the dates specified.  The Sessions are scheduled asynchronously to the University Academic Calendar.  Students in the Cohort Group will proceed together through the Course of Study.  Registration and payment of program fees will coincide with the beginning dates of each Session.  Refer to the University Catalog for descriptions of individual courses.

Current Blackboard Courses

Session I
Session II

Session III             Begins: May 27, 2002     Ends: Graduation, 2003

First Segment: May 27 2002 to August 30, 2002
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD672A Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language--Pathology I Dr. Karen Jones Green  3

Second Segment: June 1 to August 1, 2002
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD 660  Structural-Organic Disorders of Speech and Swallowing Dr. Judith Trost-Cardamone 3

Third Segment: September 2, 2002 to December 19, 2002
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD 672B  Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology II Dr. Karen Jones Green         3

Fourth Segment:  September 2, 2002 to October 25, 2002
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD 661      Advanced Study of Voice, Fluency and Phonological Disorders     Dr. Randy Aker 3

Fifth Segment:  October 28 to December 19, 2002
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD 674 Pediatric Audiology Dr. Christine Strike Roussos 3

Sixth Segment: January 27, 2003 to GRADUATION!!!
Course Number Course Title Instructor Units
CD 697 Directed Comprehensive Studies Faculty 3

Seventh Segment:  January 27, 2003 to March 21, 2003
CD 668 Advanced Diagnostics in Speech and Language Pathology  3

Eighth Segment:  March 24th, 2003 to Graduation
EDP 314 Psychological Foundations, K-12 3
Completion of Clinical Hours (if needed)   


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