Computer and Software Specifications

Hardware | ISP | Software | Fax


To participate in the online course you will need a computer with the following specifications:

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • 400 MHz Pentium or comparable processor
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 4 GB hard drive
  • 56.6 Kbps modem
  • 16-bit sound card with good quality speakers
  • 16x CD-ROM drive

Internet Service Provider Requirements
  • Internet access from a reliable ISP with live technical support and a 56K or faster dial-up connection
  • A personal e-mail account

Software Requirements

The following applications will be provided. Please note that we will NOT be able to support other applications or other versions of these applications (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office 97).

  • Microsoft Office 2000
  • RealPlayer 8
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0

Software Recommendations

We strongly recommend that you have antivirus software, such as Symantec Norton Antivirus 2000 for Windows.

Fax Requirements

You will need the capability to receive faxes via either of the following two options:

Option1: Use a personal fax machine (located at home or at school or anywhere that you have access to) with a dedicated phone line.

Option 2: Use the free on-line fax service at

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Site developed by Leigh Schroyer and Steve Vargas
Site maintained by Leigh Schroyer

Last updated on April 5, 2001
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