Upper Division
400. Process and Effects of the Mass Media (3)
Examination of contemporary views of media and societal effects.
Analysis of McLuhan, Meyrowitz, Postman, and other theorists.
Effects of TV violence.
401. Mass Communications Research (3)
Inquiry into research methodology in mass Communication. Emphasis
on solution of research problem in areas relating to the mass
405. International Broadcasting (3)
Comparative examination of broadcasting in foreign nations. Analysis
of how radio and television reflect the social and political life
of each country.
410. Advanced Film Theory: Studies in Film Style (3)
Study of realistic and expressive elements as reflected in selected
film and literary references. Emphasis is placed in aesthetic
implications and significance of directorial, thematic, cinematographic
approaches and techniques in the film medium. Regular written
assignments will be required.
412. Analysis of Classic Film Makers (3)
An in-depth analysis of the unique personal visions and creative
accomplishments of specially selected film artists, studied from
the point of view of technique, visual style, content, sociological
implications. Regular written assignments will be required.
413. Women as Filmmakers (3)
An examination of the careers and film production of various internationally
recognized women Filmmakers (directors, writer director, etc.),
focusing on their unique contributions in content and style. Emphasis
will be on the present-day scene with films or video from France,
Germany, Italy, Australia, and the U.S. Regular written assignments
will be required.
415 A-J. International Cinema (3)
An in-depth analysis of the creative accomplishments of the aesthetic
and socio-economic influences on the cinematic art of a single
nation or geographic region other than the Untied States. Specific
nations or regions will vary from semester to semester. Up to
two different sections of this course may be taken for credit
in the following areas; A-Australia, B-Britain, C-China, D-Canada,
E-Eastern Europe, F-France, G-Germany, H-Hispanic, I-Italy, J-Japan.
Regular written assignments will be required.
425. Advanced Screenwriting (3)\620
Advanced Screenwriting(Graduate Students only)
Prerequisite: MCOM 500 is a pre-requisite for RTVF 425, or concurrent
enrollment in MCOM 500. Advanced problem in writing drama, program
420. Writing the Adaptation (3)
Prerequisite: MCOM 500 is a pre-requisite for RTVF 425, or concurrent
enrollment in MCOM 500. Advanced problem in adapting the novel,
short story or theatrical play to film and or television formats.
428 Seminar in Comedy Writing (3)
Prerequisite: MCOM 500 is a pre-requisite for RTVF 425, or concurrent
enrollment in MCOM 500. Advanced problem in writing comedy for
440. Television Directing (3)
Theories and techniques of TV directing. Unique characteristics
of video as they affect the are of directing. Screening and critique
of representative TV programs.
441. Directing the TV Documentary (3)
Advanced television directing course emphasizing educational and
documentary formats. Both studio and remote production assignments.
Laboratory with accompanying lecture, 6 hours.
465. Public Broadcasting (3)
Study the current issues and problems in Public Broadcasting-federal
funding, corporate underwriting, network relationships, programming
controversies, and Community conflicts.
466. Administration of Educational Media Programs (3)
Analysis of the educational and management factors inherent in
educational media programs, staff organization, budget controls,
policy determination, Community relations, etc. Administration
of ETV and ITV systems, AV centers, industrial TV operations.
475. Audience Analysis (3)
Lecture-discussion of mass audiences and the techniques used to
study their wants, needs, motives, attitudes, opinions, and behavior.
Survey of audience measurement techniques.
480. Radio-TV Programming/Operations (3)
Study of business problems of station operations. Stress placed
upon case studies of stations.
481. Network Practices (3)
Network as unique development in broadcasting, its role in distribution
of information, and the national economy.
482. Network Program Development (3)
Theoretical and practical problems in producing current network
television programs.
487. Government Regulation of Broadcasting (3)
Federal role in broadcasting. Procedures and authority of FCC.
496 A-Z. Selected Topics in Radio-TV-Film (3)
Selected topics in Radio-TV-Film with content to be determined.
499. Independent Study (1-3) |